October 12, 2024STENOGRAMS Vanghelie about Geoana: I know him like I know the panties on me. “The pet wins, me…”, believes the former mayor of Sector 5 Romania
October 12, 2024Nicolae Ciucă says that “not everyone caught the irony” in the Măruță episode that went viral, in which he said that three qualities that Ciolacu also has are not “honor, respect and predictability” Romania
October 11, 2024The Nordis scam, used by real estate developers all over the country. “I lost all my life savings” Romania
October 11, 2024VIDEO Nut addicts end up ending their lives. A law banning them nationwide is called for Romania
October 11, 2024The US Embassy in Bucharest issues a security alert, there is a “threat against religious institutions” / Synagogues and mosques in Bucharest and in the country are targeted Romania