September 10, 2024Landlady: We’ll go to the office. What will we do if we don’t do this? We don’t understand Croatia
September 10, 2024In Betina, another Slovenian built illegally: ‘He built a building with a terrace and 2 biological septic tanks’ Croatia
September 10, 2024THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S DONE. They came by speedboat and tied themselves to the buoy of the swimming pool on Solt Croatia
September 10, 2024Based on the posts on reddit, one would think that the people of Zagreb have had enough of Tomašević and Mozemo!, but in practice it looks a little different: Croatia
September 10, 2024Selak Raspudić: Military service should last a minimum of four to six months Croatia
September 10, 2024IMPOSSIBLE PASSAGE THROUGH MARITIME GOODS Why is there a fence in this resort in Zaton? Croatia
September 10, 2024They took 30 parking spaces for filming in the center of Zagreb. “The occupants of the car are being attacked by a spider” Croatia
September 10, 2024Josipa Rimac’s failed maneuver. Messages mentioning AP remain legal evidence Croatia