September 30, 2024Corporatists begin to discover the gross salary and taxes: From a gross salary of 3,500 euros, the net salary is 2,000 euros, and the fees and taxes taken by the state are 1,500 euros. But what does the government do with this money, why is so much stolen in this country? Romania
September 30, 2024Stăm bine: At country level, Romania (59.4%), Bulgaria (55.3%) and Latvia (54.8%) had the highest overcrowding rates for young people. Romania
September 30, 2024An apartment (living room+bedroom) in Bucharest produces more monthly (850eur) than a worker with a minimum-median salary, and close to the one with an average salary (1053eur net) Romania
September 30, 2024BNR: Foreign direct investments decreased in 2023 by almost 33%, to 6.748 billion euros Romania
September 30, 2024EXCLUSIVE Cristian Popescu Piedone opens the PSD list at the Senate in Giurgiu / The party founded by Dan Voiculescu received five seats on the PSD lists, out of the 19 it originally requested Romania
September 30, 2024The Romanian Auto Registry announces that it has launched the RAReÅŸ Chatbot, through which the public can more easily access technical information, such as the date when the periodic technical inspection of the car expires Romania