August 25, 2024Young people in Romania are unassuming, fearful, uninvolved and indulge in mediocrity Romania
August 25, 2024One year after the Crevedia disaster: hopes, resignation, mistrust among the victims. Financial compensations remain modest Romania
August 25, 2024Reintroduction of the 100ml limit for liquids in hand luggage in all EU airports from 1 September. Romania
August 25, 2024How does the experience of a cancer patient treated in Austria differ from what she would have experienced in Romania. “At the first meeting, the oncologist told me: You should have a normal life. You did nothing wrong” Romania
August 25, 2024VIDEO The actor Chris Hemsworth sang last night with Ed Sheeran on the National Arena / What was the challenge – Romania
August 25, 2024A criminal with 8 classes was pretending to be a policeman in Ploiești. He also fooled the real agents, who asked him for advice Romania