October 10, 2024Lawyers: government program not consistent with the rule of law on several points Netherlands
October 10, 2024Home telephones are dying out: more than half of the Dutch no longer have a landline Netherlands
October 10, 2024Dutch parliament wants cabinet in Europe to vote against chat control proposal Netherlands
October 9, 2024Rachel Hazes does not want her son to continue using the name André Hazes Netherlands
October 9, 2024“VVD wants an electoral threshold of 2 percent in House of Representatives elections. Who will then be left out?” Netherlands
October 9, 2024Chamber whistles back at Minister Faber: no ‘return signs’ at asylum seekers’ centers Netherlands
October 9, 2024Just before opening, significant damage due to explosion of emergency shelter for asylum seekers Netherlands
October 9, 2024‘Judges are lenient for fertilizer fraudsters due to capricious government policy’ Netherlands
October 8, 2024Several major European countries support the Dutch plan for a stricter return policy for rejected asylum seekers Netherlands