June 18, 2024Linda Feki, the Neapolitan singer’s complaint: «I wanted to have an abortion, it was terrifying. The gynecologist altered the dates to convince me not to do it” Italy
June 18, 2024«Rich*on* in the crematorium: I’m in charge». The shock sentences from the head physician to the residents Italy
June 18, 2024Classrooms without students and teachers without qualifications: blitz in the “diploma factories”, 47 out of 70 institutes towards the revocation of their equal status Italy
June 17, 2024Reuters report “Digital News Report 2024” on how Italians get information: interest in news is decreasing and TV remains the main means of information (in decline). Ansa is the newspaper considered the most reliable, followed by Sky TG24 and Il Sole 24 Ore Italy
June 17, 2024Late for mass, elderly woman hits three cyclists in wrong-way car – News – Ansa.it Italy
June 17, 2024Hello all! I found a recipe for lemoncello, but I can’t figure out the handwriting for one of the ingredients and I was wondering if you guys could help me Italy
June 16, 2024Gratteri: “in Naples the Camorra had created an online bank that laundered billions of dollars, with 6,000 customers in Lombardy and Lazio and offices in Lithuania and Latvia. Laundering amounted to more than 3 billion” Italy