September 14, 2024The ‘disloyal asshole’ Jeppe Søe took the showdown and lost: ‘The wildest things were said about me’ Denmark
September 14, 2024Lone Matthiesen has forbidden her daughter to go out in the evening – Refugees from Ukraine create severe insecurity in Danish city Denmark
September 13, 2024Copenhagen Municipality pays more than DKK 1.1 billion to companies and foundations in which Knud Foldschack is involved Denmark
September 13, 2024Red card from Norway causes politicians to giggle: ‘I would have liked to have that tool’ [udelukkelse af skandaleramt italiensk firma i offentlige udbud] Denmark
September 13, 2024159 perished in the Scandinavian Star fire: Now the task force directs scathing criticism against the Danish Maritime Authority [for manglende kontrol af færgen] Denmark
September 13, 2024Prominent defense attorney [Thorkild Høyer] reaches out to the Jewish Society after the arson attack: “You can try to understand what could make someone commit such a foolish act” Denmark