October 17, 2024Danish Crown’s bloody reputation: Three killed in 18 months [Det tredje dødsfald på halvandet år har fundet sted på et Danish Crown-slagteri. Alligevel mener slagterigiganten fortsat, at det er en tryg arbejdsplads] Denmark
October 17, 2024Enhedslisten politician [Niels Rolskov, Køge byråd] supports terrorist organisation: ‘I’ve always been a PFLP man’ Denmark
October 17, 2024The police have seized millions of kroner in companies with links to ‘Køge-Calle’ Denmark
October 17, 2024Bertel Haarder: I will gladly take my punishment for the right to fly a flag other than the Dannebrog Denmark
October 17, 2024Lone Frank thinks that young people ‘play on their weaknesses’ when they share their diagnoses Denmark
October 17, 2024The minister was ‘speechless’ over the asbestos case, but wants to cut the Norwegian Working Environment Authority: ‘It screams to the sky. It’s a deep double standard’ Denmark
October 17, 2024The alternative dissatisfied with the terrorist labeling of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Denmark