1. Idontknowmuch on

    > Էնքան գնահատել են ինձ, որ ուղղակի քաղաքացիություն են տվել Կանադայում։ Ես երբեք չեմ ուզել

    TIL Canada hands you citizenships without you requesting it… interesting country Canada…

  2. Who are you to say no? You’re a priest, that’s who you are. Jesus fucking Christ, hahaha!

  3. Ghostofcanty on

    he’s slowly bringing up the topic of him being pm, first it was no prime minister, then Nikol resign in an hour, then 15 minutes, now this

  4. Necessary-Ad9272 on

    Worst idea ever to chose an active clergy as pm, even if the dough boy ran for it.

  5. Under no circumstance should religion be leading a country. We’ve seen where that has led too.

  6. i-hate-birch-trees on

    A Canadian citizen, A Russian asset, and a useful idiot walk into the bar.
    “But father, I thought you were not allowed to drink!” – says the bartender.