It is shameful that countries with degenerate performances and that are not suitable for families (family friendly) continue to pass. I don’t say that Albania was a party to what, but since this year, it was noticed that it had been invested a little more than years. Finland brings the colloquium to the stage, directly and in the final. Ireland performs satanic rituals, directly and in the final. God knows why RTSH continues to give money when our performances keep getting weaker and weaker. Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Hungary and many other countries have now given up on Eurovision because the representatives of the festival are not honest (albeit under the pretext of financial reasons). To be honest, I liked Besa’s performance. It could have done better than that of course, but compared to some it was much better. Here is the performance link. How do you judge it?
Posted by Big_Flatworm_402
sla edhe aq shume nam 🙃
Besa ka shpresa me ik te banesa
Se di pse gjth kenget e beses me duken te vjedhura, sjan fare origjinale ose ndoshta thjesht jan keng bazike qe i degjon kudo ne radio. Dhe pse nuk kendojm shqip nuk e kuptoj.