Student elections were held today at the FPN, a narrow victory (13-12 in mandates) was won by the coalition Demos FPN – USSR FPN. In the fight for the student parliament of this faculty, they defeated the ESF – TIM coalition, which for years has been associated with the SNS regime with suspicions that it serves to control the student parliament as well as to launder money from state tenders. For the previous two years, the ESF absolutely ruled the parliament of the FPN because of the controversial Law on Student Organizations, which provided them with (among other things): – All mandates in the Parliament for the previous two years and – Practically a mandate to decide who can and who cannot run for office in the elections (which Demos – USSR managed to overcome with good tactics). After a very dirty campaign against the Demos FPN – USSR FPN coalition, these young people still managed to win two of the four directions at this faculty and thus “liberate” the first faculty from organizations that are considered an extension of the SNS in student politics. Visual taken from [@demosfpn]( Instagram pages.

Posted by pricac_dpm


  1. Unucima ćemo pričati, sve je počelo na FPN-u i tada smo znali da zver može biti pobeđena

  2. Piotr_Wrangel on


    Сад хоће неко да објасни зашто уопште постоји закон који регулише студентско организовање и зашто студентски парламент може да конкурише да добије паре од државе!?

  3. NegotiationNo4399 on

    A sta ako je ovo bas ono sto zele da pomislimo? Ako su zapravo oni koji su danas pobedili u sprezi sa SNS…


  4. USSR FPN…….isuse hriste ovaj fakultet treba spaliti, nista dobro nije doneo svojim postojanjem sem sto stvara buduce stranacke botove kao gorepomenute na obe strane.