I was given this by a lady – just curious which party is this? Plus I would advise them to give pens instead of firelights (I’m a tourist)


Posted by TonkaCacao


  1. PurpleDrax on

    HAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Go to a remote village and you might be able to vote aswell

  2. PichkuMater on

    Well considering half the population smokes and no one writes anymore, lighters instead of pens is a pretty smart decision.

    The party is a breakaway from the left wing who, if all goes well, should get close to 10% of the vote and is likely to be key to forming a future government.

  3. PCChipsM922U on

    Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣

    Lighters are a must here, half the population smokes.

    Plus we don’t have pilot lights and stuff like that, if you use natural gas for cooking that is, so we use lighters to ignite the gas.

    The party is center as far as I know. The party leader broke off from the biggest left winged party here and started his own party. That’s a normal thing here, there are more parties than people in this country.