Shif like the boss at the end, ghahahahah. For God’s sake, this journalist deserves a super salary. I remember that the prime minister expelled this journalist, it seems to me for three months, what are these statements to the media. Just because he said that. Our supreme leader is used to not being opposed by anyone and apparently, it didn’t go well with him.

Posted by Big_Flatworm_402


  1. chrisM4rteen on

    Ktij djalit i lumte por shpirti patronazhist pellazg nuk mposhtet nga kritika te tilla. 1 bie 100 ngrihen

  2. No-Reveal-3329 on

    Sikur çdo gazetar të kishte koqe, e te ishte tredhur nga punëdhënësi që i ka shit bythen Ramës, vendi do ishte ndryshe.

  3. Ramsesi na e dha nai pergjigje, apo vazhdoi me “kjo nuk eshte etike”?