Discover Azerbaijani cuisine with ADY!

Posted by ZD_17


  1. Whoever is in charge of ADY should be in charge of the Ministry of Tourism, instead of whoever is the minister right now.

  2. yo, my family is from kars with azerbaycan origin, they say my family immigrated to kars running from russia but you never know. anyway we always had hengel in home, and i always thought it was regular mantı until i finally eat mantı. but i prefer hengel anyway.

  3. Zarafatsız əla ideyadı e Azərbaycanı qatarla gəzmək. Uzun zaman öncə deyəsən ucardan bakıya ya harasa gedirdim qatardan oğraş iyi gəlirdi))) yəqin düzələr indiyə.

  4. United_Chard_9036 on

    Agstafa is not a real place, it is just a wannabe Qazax. Xengel is Qazax ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)