mii smoo braça WUUUHHUUU 🇧🇦🇹🇷 wtf is economy wtf is democracy, 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇹🇷🇹🇷 (🇸🇦🇸🇦🇲🇳🇲🇳)
cantona__7 on
Muslimani moraju biti čisti.
Herflik90 on
Actually, it’s more important to wash your hands before using the toilet.
onetruekingx on
they claim they are civil but they are dirty.
charles666monroe on
I have clean genitals
dubleterror on
Hands have 10000 times more bacteria than balls.
BigKrc69 on
Zar nije pametnije oprati ruke prije nužde? Mislim.. diraš ćunu i tako.. bolje bi bilo da su ti ruke čiste.
I love bosnia, wouldn’t like to live there tho
Bademus_Octavian on
I am efficient, I pee and wash my hands at the same time
budhalla on
Ispitanici vrhunski lažovi.
rxdlhfx on
Portugal… still pretending to be in Western Europe…
Sapun14 on
nizozemci su gnjusobni uistinu
mislin da je blize 5% 🤮
susamcocuk on
That’s why Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of my favourite countries
Annual_Ranger_4440 on
I m turkish and i laughed hard at this ![img](emote|t5_2s7a1|33296)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)
propheticuser on
For real, from blue collar workers to upper management at work, Western Europeans almost never wash their hands, I never shake their hand but give a fist bump 👊
mudjin_cale on
Велика већина становника БиХ такође водом чисти дијелове тијела послије мале и велике нужде. 🙂 И то је једна од ријетких позитивних ствари турске владавине. Макар умазани гованцетом не шетамо џадом. 🙂
mii smoo braça WUUUHHUUU 🇧🇦🇹🇷 wtf is economy wtf is democracy, 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇹🇷🇹🇷 (🇸🇦🇸🇦🇲🇳🇲🇳)
Muslimani moraju biti čisti.
Actually, it’s more important to wash your hands before using the toilet.
they claim they are civil but they are dirty.
I have clean genitals
Hands have 10000 times more bacteria than balls.
Zar nije pametnije oprati ruke prije nužde? Mislim.. diraš ćunu i tako.. bolje bi bilo da su ti ruke čiste.
I love bosnia, wouldn’t like to live there tho
I am efficient, I pee and wash my hands at the same time
Ispitanici vrhunski lažovi.
Portugal… still pretending to be in Western Europe…
nizozemci su gnjusobni uistinu
mislin da je blize 5% 🤮
That’s why Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of my favourite countries
I m turkish and i laughed hard at this ![img](emote|t5_2s7a1|33296)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)
For real, from blue collar workers to upper management at work, Western Europeans almost never wash their hands, I never shake their hand but give a fist bump 👊
Велика већина становника БиХ такође водом чисти дијелове тијела послије мале и велике нужде. 🙂 И то је једна од ријетких позитивних ствари турске владавине. Макар умазани гованцетом не шетамо џадом. 🙂