Belarusian students and teachers are shocked by the information that “special commissions” are being set up to assess the level of loyalty to the political regime.

Posted by Chinarkaska


  1. Remarkable_Maybe_953 on

    They write my country name with a small letter = indication of bull* propaganda resouce.

  2. Beginning-Nerve-7533 on

    this is no news – every year the teacher in charge of a class writes a resumé about every student in their class. These are being used in case of criminal investiagation, for example, later on, to see how did person behave in school. And I doubt there aren’t any question about patriotism and loyalty inside. My brother entered the university last year – and it was a common knowledge among parents, students and teachers – that there is a separate mark evaluatimg Patriotism and loyalty based on how much did student engage in visiting war veterans, signing patriotic songs, attending political information classes and so on. Of course with the teacher’s own opinion based on what they hear during breaks