“We are pleased that the power plant for Forvia is now being supplied and operated by Photon Energy, producing 100% renewable, emission-free electricity. This is another important milestone for Photon Energy, further cementing our presence in the Hungarian market and expanding our range of services for the industrial sector. By providing this turnkey on-site PPA solution, we are proud to support Forvia in its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint while achieving long-term energy cost savings,” said Georg Hotar, CEO of Photon Energy Group.

Clarion Hungary as 100% offtaker

Forvia worked with Engie Impact for over two years to identify the sites with the greatest potential for its global on-site solar PV program. The program, which includes more than 100 sites in 14 countries, was developed by Engie Impact to avoid 30,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. This was made possible by standardizing the process, managing complexity and building relationships with trusted local developers. It is implemented with both PPA and PV-as-a-Service models.

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As the local developer in Hungary, Photon Energy has developed the solution for Clarion Hungary, which will be the offtaker of 100% of the power plant’s output after its completion.

Over 20% of the site`s annual electricity consumption covered

Under the PPA, Photon Energy has developed, constructed and will operate the power plant. The plant is located on the site of Clarion Hungary’s manufacturing facility in Nagykáta, approximately 80 km south-east of Budapest.

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Photon Energy will be able to maximize the installed capacity within the limited area by using an east/west mounting structure to potentially cover over 20% of the site’s annual electricity consumption. This will see the installation of 1,248 monofacial modules, which will generate approximately 14.1 GWh over the term of the PPA and contribute to an estimated 3,620 tons reduction in CO2e emissions.

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As part of its own portfolio of PV power plants, Photon Energy currently owns and operates a total capacity of 51.8 MW in Hungary and provides O&M services (operation and maintenance) for a total capacity of over 278 MW of Hungarian PV installations. (hcn)

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