Rival Camps Clash at Parliamentary Inspection over No Indictment for First Lady Decision

Photo : YONHAP News

Rival camps clashed on Friday at the parliamentary inspection of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office over the prosecution deciding not to indict first lady Kim Keon-hee in connection with a Deutsch Motors stock manipulation scheme. 

Ruling People Power Party Rep. Park Jun-tae defended the prosecution’s decision, claiming the stock manipulation allegations against Kim is a product of a political wrangling that has been hugely inflated and masks the truth. 

Park stressed that just because there is a controversy over the first lady, it doesn’t mean that a crime that doesn’t exist must be made up.  

Another ruling party lawmaker, Song Seog-jun, said the opposition camp is overly pursuing various special counsel probe bills and impeachment motions. 

Meanwhile, main opposition Democratic Party Rep. Lee Geon-tae claimed the prosecution has become a loyal subject to the presidential couple and a problem solver for the first lady.

Lee then noted that his party had warned that the prosecution would come to lose its entire investigative power if it sought to not indict the first lady on the stock manipulation case and Dior bag scandal.

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