Han Ki-ho, a member of the National Assembly’s Defense Committee from the People Power Party, said on the 17th during the Army Headquarters’ parliamentary inspection held at Gyeryongdae, South Chungcheong Province, “If more than 10,000 North Korean troops have been deployed to the war in Ukraine, we should at least send an observation team.”

Han further argued, “When North Korean soldiers are captured in the Ukraine war, shouldn’t we at least provide interpreters? We need to observe what the North Korean military is doing. The Ukraine war is a representative example of what future wars might look like, so the idea that ‘we shouldn’t go near Ukraine or provide ammunition’ is wrong.”

In response, Heo Young, a lawmaker from the Democratic Party of Korea, countered, “Just because North Korea sends troops and weapons to Ukraine, it doesn’t mean we should engage in the same behavior by sending observers and weapons. That would severely endanger our nation and its people. The military must prioritize the interests of the nation and the people, responding cool-headedly and decisively but with caution.”


Posted by Freewhale98


  1. If those “observation teams” just happen to bring a bunch of Western weapons with them with no restrictions, all the better.

    > In response, Heo Young, a lawmaker from the Democratic Party of Korea, countered, “Just because North Korea sends troops and weapons to Ukraine, it doesn’t mean we should engage in the same behavior by sending observers and weapons. **That would severely endanger our nation and its people.** The military must prioritize the interests of the nation and the people, responding cool-headedly and decisively but with caution.”

    From what? *North* Korea?

    WTF are they gunna do? Bitch and moan and send some more shit-filled balloons South? Fuck ’em.

    Young can suck off Fat Kimmy on his own time.

  2. I mean, now SK literally has a way to start eliminating NK’s army without a single shell flying over the 38th parallel. It’s a golden opportunity.

  3. Dansredditname on

    A small team of ten observers with their personal guard of twenty thousand soldiers (each).

  4. Korea is still technically at war so they would be within their rights to gain permission from a foreign country to hunt north Koreans there.

  5. Learning how NK operates in a real war would be invaluable to SK. I’d send more than an observation squad, I’d load up Ukraine with tech as well. Eliminating the enemy in another country is always a good idea. It’s why America is smart to send billions in surplus military gear to help eliminate Putins forces.

  6. undiscovered_soul on

    South Koreans worry too much. They wouldn’t perform the way the two dictators expect.

  7. I think sending observers would be smart – it would be first time North Koreans are out of the coup. It will be important to watch them closely. Also, nobody needs to know.

    While not onserving actions of North Korea, is short sited. It is not smart to place all of your hopes on North Korea being not so bad.

  8. South Korea should send observers and interpreters as a minimum. Once the Ukrainian Armed Forces start bringing in NK prisoners, it would be really interesting to hear their experiences of the Russian training and war.

  9. The MP in question comes from the background of a retired Army Lieutenant General who once commanded TRADOC. Of course, he would be interested in doctrinal shifts and combat experiences of enemy forces.

    And he literally meant observation and intelligence gathering. South Korea isn’t sending any troops when none of the Polish, Romanian, German, or French forces have set foot on Ukrainian soil, and when even providing air cover from across the border is too much of an involvement and escalation.

  10. Open-Passion4998 on

    Would love to see a few battalion of SK observers with a bunch of k9 howitzers for protection and maybe some chunmoo MLRS systems to say hello to the north korean interlopers

  11. CriticalPolitical on

    South Korea should organize ways for North Korean troops to surrender and defect on the battlefield. Or give information that might break their understanding of the world that Kim Jong Un isn’t the end all be all

  12. They least they could do is airdrop a few crates of flyers advertising warm food and shelter, a thorough deworming, and some basic freedoms to them.