We leave it for people’s memory.
You can talk all you want before the elections, but actions speak louder.
In 2014, you supported the Crimean referendum, repeating the Kremlin’s rhetoric about "savi shot at savi".
You are Pax’s advisor, and later the chairman of his party. A reminder that Paks traveled to Moscow in 2018 to bring the sun from the east, and later, after meeting with Lukashenka, urged him to join the Astrav nuclear power plant.
In 2022, you cast doubt on the money collected by the Bayraktar campaign. You claim that Tapin lost that money and that it is not worth donating to Ukraine.
In 2023, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you say that you would be the first to collaborate with the Russians, handing over the coordinates of Lithuania’s top politicians.
And in addition, you are somewhat anti-Semitic, which increases friction in society. The Constitutional Court ruled that the constitution was violated in this way.
This does not sound like a politician who should occupy the highest positions in the government in Lithuania, because there are questions about his values.
Now you can say what you want, but the story remains.
Posted by VakcinaNuoVatniku
Šiaip atsiprašė jis gan greitai ir pripažino, kad suklydo. Paskutiniuose debatuose jam irgi L. Savickas apie tai priminė ir jis dar kartą pakartojo, kad klydo.
Tai jau viskas jau pakeitė gi retoriką /s
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Kai pagalvoju kai Zemaitaitis atvaziavo i mokykla aplankyt pries 15 metu, man pasidaro labai keista. Atrode pagarbus asmuo tada, bet ka tie metai is zmogaus padaro. Absoliutus pizdecas.
Tai ką mes dabar kalti r/lithuania, kad lietuviai nori biškį ruso, biškį antisemito, biškį antivalstybininko?
Kaip ir vokiečiai nori biškį rusų, biškį nacių.
Kaip ir prancūzai nori biškį rusų, biškį nacių.
Kaip ir pusė amerikiečių nori biškį rusų, biškį nacių.
Gyvename įdomiais laikais.