Cross-border shopping to be taxed at lower threshold | As of January 1, 2025 purchases above 150 CHF made across the Swiss border will be subject to VAT when imported.
Posted by BezugssystemCH1903
>The Federal Council has decided to lower the current VAT-free shopping limit after prodding by parliament. This means that from 2025, travellers – often Swiss looking for bargains in neighbouring France, Germany and Italy – will be able to import goods for private use tax-free up to a total value of 150 CHF per person per day. Today, the upper limit is 300 CHF per person per day.
>According to the Federal Council, it is conceivable that purchasing behaviour will change with a lower tax-free limit. However, it is not possible to say whether people will buy less or fewer goods at a time and more often. Nor is it possible to assess whether the goods brought home are taxed correctly.
>In the consultation process, the majority of cantons and business representatives as well as several political parties welcomed the proposed move, writes the Federal Council. The government does not have information on the number of additional customs clearances required as a result of the harsher taxation, nor can it quantify the additional revenue.
>Private individuals can use the QuickZoll customs clearance app to independently declare their goods for import and pay any duties directly via the app. The standard VAT rate of 8.1% is charged in each case.
>However, anyone wishing to clear customs at the reduced rate for everyday goods must go to customs or complete customs clearance in writing using a registration box. Independent customs clearance via app at the reduced rate is expected to be possible from 2026, according to the press release.
So travelling abroad getting 2 bottles of wines as gifts and we’re taxed. Migros and Coop lobbies working hard
Don’t think it will change anything for the shops… but maybe more tax money for CH? But then will it cover the additional costs (more declaration, more people stopping at the border…).
It will still be far more advantageous to go in France/Germany/Italy. Just a little bit less and additional paperwork.
it’s bullshit, parliament going after consumer tourism instead of criminal margins on products in Switzerland just shows how out-of-touched they are with the cost of living problem.
This is the last straw needed to finally annhilate Ticino. Either people are going to starve or smuggling will be at an all time high. Either way, criminality will ramp up significantly.
Hitting the poorest the hardest.