A man who allegedly performed a Nazi salute during a soccer match in Sydney has been charged by police.

Posted by thekriptik


  1. QouthTheCorvus on

    I support this but it’s funny the police do this when police getting busted using nazi salutes to each other is a recurring thing

  2. Im half Aboriginal & half Polish, my Babcia & Dziadek (Grandma & Grandpa in Polish) were put into forced labour by the nazis and two of my Babcia’s brothers were sent to Aushwitz with one being sent to buchenwald & then Bergen Belsen b4 never being seen again) and my Waabi (mums mum in Gamilaraay) grew up on an Aboriginal station and my Guni was even alive when they weren’t allowed in the hospital, cinemas, pubs or shops that were “whites only”) but Im sorry I dont agree with this at all I think it is wrong that he was charged, I dont like racism or nazi’s but even they deserve rights, Im pro-choice and freedom so if someone wants to do a nazi salute or be a racist then they should have the rights too aslong as they are not physically hurting anyone or taking away the rights of others!! The moment we start taking away peoples rights and freedoms is the moment problems start, because where does it end.

  3. Whats with the rise in Nazi support lately? Are these people fond of the Nazi ideology or is it because of their hatred towards the same group of people?

  4. > The man, standing in the Wanderers’ active supporter bay


    > Initially, the man gave the middle finger toward the camera before quickly turning into an apparent salute.

    That’s an interesting juxtaposition. Middle finger? Authorities helpless. Nazi salute? Straight to jail.

    > New laws brought in during 2022 makes the gesture illegal in NSW with a maximum jail term of 12 months.

    Should never have happened. Restricts free speech for no benefit as they’ll just come up with new gestures. They’ve already co-opted the OK sign – this will make that shit worse.

    Just look at what’s happened with the iconography. It’s all southern crosses and Norse runes now. After we ban that I guess they’ll move on to hieroglyphics 🤦‍♂️

  5. badAdviceYouCanTrust on

    I’m more than happy we try and stop fascism, but banning even looking like a nazi doesnt stop people being nazis it just make it harder for us to spot them.