The day when two Croatian partisan brigades destroyed the fascist 369th division of the Wehrmacht – the anniversary of the battle at Vukovo Klanac

The battle for Vuk’s gorge was fought in the area from Metković and the Neretva river in the west of Pelješac with Ston in the south and exclusively Popovo polje in the north. The main part of the 369th legionary division “Vražja” – the 369th and 370th regiments, and the 9th Ustaše brigade, artillery, tanks and other motorized vehicles that were withdrawn from Dubrovnik – took part in this battle. Of the units of the 8th NOVJ Corps, there were only the 1st and 11th Dalmatian and a group of island partisan detachments.

This unit from Pelješac was assisted by a British battery, and there were also some airstrikes by the Allied Air Force. The Germans gradually engaged up to 8,000 soldiers, about 100 cannon tubes and 10-15 tanks in this battle.

Our forces had a maximum of 3,000 fighters. The enemy was superior in manpower and combat equipment. The Battle of Vuk Gorge began on October 15 and ended on October 23, 1944. It lasted seven days, almost all of it in a very fierce, extremely decisive battle in which attacks and defenses alternated on both sides, until in the end quality and ability prevailed. 1st and 11th Dalmatian brigades of the 26th division, and the defeated German 369th division.

Liberation of Ston

Ston was heavily fortified with lots of bunkers, mines and wire fences. The opening battles began at night on the 14th/15th. October in the form of an attack on German troops in front of Ston. On that day, the Allied air force repeatedly pounded the Germans in Ston, mostly rocketing the German fortifications.

The German positions were advanced at dusk on October 16, and the general attack began early in the morning. The attack was strong and gave initial results, but the opponent reacted with counterattacks. However, he lost his front positions and retreated to the line Mali Ston – Ston. Then a company of Italian fascists from the “San Marco” legion arrived. From the line reached on October 17, the next day – October 18, the attack on Mali Ston and Ston began.

Under the pressure of the forces of the 11th brigade, the Germans and the Italian fascists retreat to Ston, because they lost Mali Ston. A fight has begun in the city. In particular, resistance was offered from the medieval fortress of Korona. During the day, all through fierce fighting, the 2nd and 5th battalions of the 11th brigade and the 1st battalion of the group of South Dalmatian island detachments broke through the German defenses and entered Ston. The German defense in the Kaštel and Korona fortresses was futile. In the afternoon of October 18, Ston is completely free. The remaining parts of the German army and the Italian fascists retreated towards Rudine and Dola, and then to Oštrikovac. 250 German soldiers and 8 officers surrendered in Ston.

The fight from Oštrikovci to Vukovo Klanc

On the morning of October 19, a fierce battle for Oštrikovac began. The 1st and 11th brigades attacked in vain, Oštrikovac was not captured. Then, by order of the headquarters of the 369th legionary division, the Battle Group “Becker” was formed from all the units on Oštricovac, with a strength of about 4,000 soldiers. The group consisted of parts of the 369th and 370th regiments, the 369th artillery regiment of the 369th legionary division, parts of the 9th Ustasha brigade and parts of the 49th Italian legion “San Marco”. The task of this fascist group was to open a passage from Oštrikovac, through Vukovo klanc and Metković and break the 1st and 11th brigades. The ultimate goal was to retreat towards Metković and Mostar.

Combat group “Kaen”, consisting of the remnants of the 3rd battalion of the 370th regiment, was to meet them from Metković. Reinforced by tanks, they set off on October 19 from Metković towards Vukovo Klanc. The appearance of German forces asked Metković to demolish the road in the places that the Germans had previously made for demolition. The 1st brigade prepared for this in advance and mined the road. The Germans from Metković came to that, but the German tanks were set on fire and the advance of BG “Kaen” was stopped, all of which were destroyed.

At the same time, BG “Becker” set off from Oštrikovci with the intention of breaking through to Metković. Seeing this situation, the headquarters of the 26th division ordered the 1st brigade to withdraw from its position towards Oštrikovac and to position itself to the left and right of the road Oštrikovac-Vukov klanac and beat the German BG “Becker” with side attacks. At the same time, the 11th brigade had to position itself laterally to attack the retreating Germans from the front.

Capitulation of battle group “Becker”

In the early morning hours of October 21, the German BG “Becker” started to break through the positions of the 1st Dalmatian. At the same time, the positions of the 4th Battalion, which was attached to the 1st Brigade, were attacked from the direction of Metković. Fierce fighting developed in which the 4th battalion successfully repulsed the enemy. Fearing that the German forces from Opuzen would not intervene, the 4th battalion was sent there.

The other battalions of the 1st brigade were beating sideways on the German column which was gradually moving, through the fight, towards Vukovo Klanc. At the end of the day, the German forces from Oštrikovac joined those from Metković. The fight continued on October 22 because German vehicles could not pass through the Vukov Gorge, where the road was destroyed. The commander of BG “Becker” intended to retrieve combat equipment at any cost and asked for help to repair the road.

A battalion arrived from Metković to repair the road, but when it arrived at Vukovo Klanc, it was determined that the repair would take at least 8 to 14 days. The wounded were carried on stretchers next to the destroyed road. It went on like this all night on the 22nd/23rd. October. During that time, the 1st Dalmatian constantly attacked and narrowed the circle around the German BG “Becker”. At dawn on October 23, 1944, the German BG “Becker” was forced to capitulate. Out of the entire column, barely a quarter of the German forces arrived in Metković. All German equipment and equipment remained on the scene of the battle, partially destroyed or damaged.

Destroyed 369th Devil’s Division

During the battles for Oštrikovac and up to Vukovo Klanc, the 13th Herzegovinian brigade operated north of the Gabela-Dubrovnik railway line, on the Hutovo-Hrasno stretch. It secured the flank of the 1st and 11th brigades from the north, but did not take part in the battle for Vuk’s Gorge.

In the morning hours of October 23, 1943, the battle in the area of ​​Ston – Vukov Klanac – Metković ended. The first and eleventh brigades completed the given task. The units of the 29th Herzegovinian Division took over the pursuit of the German forces through the Neretva valley towards Mostar.

The total losses of the enemy in the area of ​​Ston-Vukovo Klanac, according to the report of the headquarters of the 26th division dated November 17, 1944, delivered to the headquarters of the 8th corps, amounted to 2,000 killed and captured German soldiers and officers, 12 tanks, 2 blinds and 20 trucks were destroyed. 211 motor vehicles, one working tank, 60 different cannons, 289 horses and others were confiscated. The units of the 1st and 11th Dalmatian brigades had 56 dead and about 260 wounded.

The defeat of the 369th legionary division at Vukovo Klanc was recognized by the highest German commanders. The commander of the German Army Group “F” Lieutenant-General Aleksandar Lohr wrote that “north of Dubrovnik, the 369th division suffered a significant defeat and lost almost all of its artillery and heavy weapons…”.

In order to justify the defeat of the 369th division, the German historian F. Schraml writes: “..the German army at Vukovo Klanc was attacked by several partisan divisions, supported by English artillery with ships…”, which does not correspond to the truth.

The victory won at Vukovo Klanc was the work of Dalmatian fighters!

For the history of NOR and the 8th Corps, the battle at Vukovo Klanc, the first major battle in the offensive of the 8th Corps for the liberation of Dalmatia, speaks of the high quality of the brigades of the 26th Division. In the end, it can be stated that it has never happened in NOR, before or after Vukovo Klanc, that two NOVJ brigades, in a direct collision and in an extremely difficult battle that lasted for seven days, defeated a German division that had combat experience behind her in the battles on Neretva and Sutjeska.

Posted by WesPeros

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