I would like to know what amount of waste is created per person here, excluding the food service and tourism sector. The article says almost 300kg per capita but that includes all sectors of food waste which is a misleading number. I imagine hotels especially waste sooo much food everyday with their buffets everyday its ridiculous. I wouldnt be surprised if all things considered, cypriots (persons) would be on the lower end of the demographic.
Anyway, if you have the ability and space, i’d suggest having a small compost bin, you can throw your food waste in there (excluding meats, dairy, eggs, oils, cooked foods) and help the environment a little. After some time you get compost for your garden or plants which is a nice bonus 🙂
CustomDuck on
The watermelons are to blame
PheDiii on
My sister and her boyfriend will order 3 meals each from a restaurant and barely touch anything
It’s annoying as fuck
Small-Arugula-4719 on
Air-Alarming on
Denmark… what?
CupcakeMurder86 on
Case 1: During covid many food companies were giving the left over food from lunch to people in need for free. Now it stopped and they prefer to throw food away because of “liability”.
Case 2: Catering business was hired and paid to give food to Pournara. Almost all of the food was thrown in the bins because they didn’t want them.
Not to mention food waste from hotels, especially the ones that offer “all-inclusive” packages so people don’t care how much they put on their plates. Imagine throwing away untouched food because someone filled 3 plates and barely touched one of them.
I’m not saying that individual people don’t waste food, but not as much as some industries IMO.
ForsakenMarzipan3133 on
It is not waste if the cats eat it! 😉
sanctuary_ii on
Well, tourists. Understood.
But what is wrong with Denmark?
bestranger22 on
So is that why the cockroaches are thriving here? They’re getting all the buffet leftovers? 😀
I would like to know what amount of waste is created per person here, excluding the food service and tourism sector. The article says almost 300kg per capita but that includes all sectors of food waste which is a misleading number. I imagine hotels especially waste sooo much food everyday with their buffets everyday its ridiculous. I wouldnt be surprised if all things considered, cypriots (persons) would be on the lower end of the demographic.
Anyway, if you have the ability and space, i’d suggest having a small compost bin, you can throw your food waste in there (excluding meats, dairy, eggs, oils, cooked foods) and help the environment a little. After some time you get compost for your garden or plants which is a nice bonus 🙂
The watermelons are to blame
My sister and her boyfriend will order 3 meals each from a restaurant and barely touch anything
It’s annoying as fuck
Denmark… what?
Case 1: During covid many food companies were giving the left over food from lunch to people in need for free. Now it stopped and they prefer to throw food away because of “liability”.
Case 2: Catering business was hired and paid to give food to Pournara. Almost all of the food was thrown in the bins because they didn’t want them.
Not to mention food waste from hotels, especially the ones that offer “all-inclusive” packages so people don’t care how much they put on their plates. Imagine throwing away untouched food because someone filled 3 plates and barely touched one of them.
I’m not saying that individual people don’t waste food, but not as much as some industries IMO.
It is not waste if the cats eat it! 😉
Well, tourists. Understood.
But what is wrong with Denmark?
So is that why the cockroaches are thriving here? They’re getting all the buffet leftovers? 😀