Air-France KLM is lobbying the French government to cap the number of flights that mainland Chinese carriers can make to Europe to protect European airlines from unfair competition.×846879520182293000

Posted by Either_Turn948


  1. Significant_Cod_1930 on

    We will end up building a great wall around the EU. Pun intended. Tax it higher, stop that, etc…

  2. To fly from East Asia to Europe, the fastest route is above Russia. The southern route may take up to 2 hours longer.

    The EU sanctioned Russia, so Russian airlines are banned over the EU, which means that EU airlines are also banned over Russia.

    The airlines wanted to force the Chinese airlines not to go above Russia, it didn’t work, now they want to cap the number of flights.

  3. Upbeat_Section5189 on

    -Not selling Chinese electric cars -> European car companies can’t compete

    -Biggest tech company of Europe, Asml, not selling machines to China -> Us says so

    -Now rich airlines complain about Chinese companies -> because they can’t compete

    I really wonder when Europe will see that this is killing Europe.

  4. Got tickets recently for about €580 with a Chinese airline, although they had cheaper dates around €520 too.
    The cheapest alternative would’ve been either Air France for €840 but only for a shorter trip and with no checked-in bags, or Turkish Airlines between €830 and €900. Most other options were generally above €1000.

    Just to share a recent example for perspective.

    (I would’ve loved to avoid Chinese airlines and a layover in China. But the truth is, with my budget, if they hadn’t been available I would’ve just cancelled my trip instead of flying with European carriers.)

  5. Affectionate_Chef709 on

    First it was EVs, now it’s flights. European companies are doing their best to prevent Europeans from getting affordable stuff so that they can make more profit from their higher priced products and services. And then they blame “unfair competition” every single time…

  6. If the French government agrees, mainland China will probably do a tit-for-tat and cap French/Dutch flights… so we’d be back to square one?

    EU sanctioned Russia because of the war and, as a consequence, has to avoid Russian airspace. Mainland China has not sanctioned Russia and therefore has the benefits of shorter flying times (and cheaper oil, but that’s another story).

    As someone who flies EU-Asia several times a year, I generally prefer EU airlines, BUT being able to save 1.5-2 hours on a 12-13 hour flight is a huge advantage, especially when flying in economy.

  7. Because paying double or triple for Asia-bound flights is best for citizens. We should all eat the costs and bow dow to dynamic pricing, for human rights!