Opposition Files Motion to Exclude Ruling Party from Special Prosecutor Nomination Process

Photo : YONHAP News

The opposition has kick-started the process of revising the Act on the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor in an attempt to override the ruling party’s objections and launch an investigation against first lady Kim Keon-hee. 

During a meeting of the parliamentary steering committee on Wednesday, main opposition Democratic Party lawmakers submitted a motion to revise the law as the ruling People Power Party boycotted the proceedings.

If the revisions go through, the ruling party will be excluded from the process of nominating a special prosecutor in all cases concerning the president’s family.  

By invoking the 2014 legislation instead of introducing a new special counsel investigation bill, the opposition can launch a briefer probe for up to 90 days with no chance of a presidential veto.

If an independent counsel is appointed, the party plans to focus on allegations that the first lady may have played a part in the manipulation of a construction company’s stock prices, among other issues.

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