I watched Ligi’s interview and @ 7:16 he talks about Res Publica becoming Fatherland and replacing positions that were previously shared with Reform. Then he lists these points of view and reaches @ 7:41 such a sentence: "some kind of good uhhu about how we have some kind of class of owners, who must be given advantages at the expense of those who do not have property – who are without, sorry. It is a senseless social organization model to make privileges at the expense of the weaker."
I don’t 100% understand his reasoning. Is there some kind of ideology in the Fatherland that gives privileges at the expense of the weak and Ligi considers it pointless? Or does he consider this whole topic a hoax with the idea that the Motherland has invented some kind of ideology of the owner class for the purpose of populism, which does not exist?
Now what does he mean by that? It’s kind of hard to follow sometimes, Switzerland is chaotic.
Jürgen Ligi Esimeses stuudios 18.09.24
byu/frogingly_similar inEesti
Posted by frogingly_similar
Kas mitte mingi see teema pole, et igasugu toetuste osas on Isamaa pooldanud lennukilt raha loopimist, ja RE vajaduspõhiseid toetusi ?
Jürgen Ligil polegi mõttekäiku.
Ta on näitena toonud ükskord hiljuti kodu aluse maa maksuvabastuse, mis teenib peamiselt rikaste huvi vaesete arvelt ja mis oli Isamaa leiutis.
Endale jäi ka natuke segaseks. Ehk mõtleb ta seda, et Isamaa tihti kaitseb kindlate oligarhide huvisid, samas kui Reformierakonna ideoloogia on kaitsta ettevõtjate kui ühiskonnaklassi huve tervikuna? Igasuguste varamaksude ja tulumaksu suhtes on neil sama suhtumine Isamaaga, kui ma ei eksi.