Trump – running for president at 78 – says ‘only stupid people put old’ people in top federal roles


  1. It’s pretty ironic for him to say that when he’s the oldest one running. Makes you wonder if he really thinks about what he’s saying sometimes

  2. He’s so out of touch with reality it’s like something is really wrong with him. I hope he gets the help he needs.

  3. This was recognized early with Biden at least and dems pivoted quickly and successfully to the next best candidate. The republicans are going to have to learn the hard way

  4. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    Most of his voters don’t even listen anymore. When they are seen leaving his Rallies early it’s because they’ve posted all the photos on Facebook and tweeted out all the pics. It’s more important to just be seen there. None of them are listening

  5. Well, the moron *does* seem self aware enough to know that people who vote for him have to be stupid to do so.

  6. Huge-Total-6981 on

    Just when you think he’s wrong and lies about everything, he hits you with a truth bomb!

  7. Goes well with

    “The biggest threat to our democracy is stupid people.”

    Still my fav Trump quote from the last couple of weeks.

  8. Look, I don’t like the guy but don’t misquote. He said it’s a bad idea to appoint supreme court justices who are older. Because they’re a lifetime appointment… unlike the president which is a 4 year term… There are many things, many many things I disagree with him on, but in this case he actually makes sense. You want stability in the SC and an older appointee is obviously less likely to be there long term.

  9. One thing that has been really frustrating to me is that he keeps getting away with saying that all of his election cases were thrown out because he didn’t have standing. This isn’t true. Many of his cases were heard on merits and I need a reporter to push him on this. Vote against the old liar

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  10. ReviewRude5413 on

    Need a clip of this, followed by “I’m Kamala Harris and I approve this message” 😉

  11. The headline to this post is misleading. Trump was specifically talking about Supreme Court Justices, and the reason to choose young Supreme Court Justices is because it’s a lifetime appointment, and younger people will therefore stay in the position longer. It’s not about their mental acuity. So, the logic doesn’t really apply to presidents who at most serve two four-year terms.

    I mean it was a dumb thing for Trump to say because of the sound bite potential, but he’s not wrong. Of the stupid and horrific stuff Trump has said, this doesn’t really rank.