UK inflation falls to 1.7% in year to September

Posted by sjw_7


  1. BugalooShrimpp on

    I’ve had a mortgage offer and just waiting for things to fall in place before signing. If I were to ask them to send a new offer after this news, what are the chances I’d get a better offer?

  2. I know most people know this but this does not mean prices are going down, just up more slowly.

  3. Now before everyone starts to think this is an absolute win, please go and checkout the OOH chart in the link to the CPI data below. Scroll down to figure 7, thats the one that you really want to see as this shows how expensive it is to keep the roof over your head.

    Since April 2021 it has done nothing other than go up ! this is chart is directly linked to the biggest payment in most peoples lives and it’s still going up….. that headline figure of 1.7% means jack shit when your rent / mortage is 50% of your take home pay. Everything you buy is still expensive as fuck and has been made smaller / worse.

    There are still shit tons of people coming off low interst mortage rates from a few years ago and these all feed into this data.

  4. NatWest have lowered their remortgage deals in case anyone out there is remortgaging at the end of the month.