Colin Allred came out swinging in Tuesday night’s debate against Ted Cruz


  1. Allred could use a little polish with his public speaking, but he was effective, and raised points that needed to be raised.

    I’m glad he’s not afraid to call Cruz a liar to his face. Things have been sugarcoated far too much with “falsehoods” and “alternative facts.” These guys are liars, plain and simple, and it’s great to see them called out.

  2. VladtheInhaler999 on

    Cruz sure as hell took back that smile when Allred told him “this isn’t funny.”

  3. I hope Texans votes out Cruz because he rather be subservient to the convicted felon instead of serving his constituents.

    Plus, he can stay in Cancun while throwing his family under the bus.

  4. >”Allred, a three-term congressman from Dallas and former NFL linebacker, was first out of the gate after winning the coin toss and kicked off the contentious debate by insisting he’s “the exact opposite of Ted Cruz, the most extreme senator in the U.S. Senate—maybe the most extreme in the last 30 years. But that’s not enough. He’s also only focused on himself. That’s how you can go to Cancun when millions of Texans need you. The truth is we don’t have to be embarrassed by our senator. We can get a new one.”

  5. Parking-Emphasis590 on

    I only just read some of the statements from Allred. If nothing else, it’s great that someone was up there on the debate stage calling out Cruz for the POS he is.

  6. It’d be so freaking awesome if the Dems keep the senate by knocking Cancun Cruz out of office.

  7. OpenImagination9 on

    He sure did, and Teddy looked like a cross between a whiny little punk and a creepy child molester.

  8. I watched a part of this on YouTube. I think Allred did well – I wish he would have punched back harder on some of the lies (especially about transgender people) but I understand that it’s politically not helpful to call out every single lie that Rafael puts out. He stuck to his main point a lot – everyone that Rafael says is a distraction.

    If Cruz wins it will only be because trump pulled him over the finish line. There is nothing appealing about Cruz individually other than the R next to his name

  9. Cruz is all like “but his voting record!”

    Yeah, he votes with his party usually, it do be like that.

    ^(And Ted, your wife is ugly, Trump calls it now and then. Broken clock and all…)

  10. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 81%. (I’m a bot)
    > U.S. Rep. Colin Allred came out swinging in Tuesday night's debate against his opponent in the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz, calling Cruz a "Liar" in the first and only debate of the race.

    > Allred quickly went on the offense, saying, "When Ted Cruz says he's pro-life, he doesn't mean yours." He continued, "Ted Cruz is looking into the camera and lying to you. Lying directly to women like Kate Cox, Amanda Zurawski, Lauren Miller and countless others whose lives have been put at risk because of his abortion ban.”

    > Cruz took the opportunity to immediately attack Allred on the border, claiming the congressman "Is Kamala Harris. Their records are the same." Cruz has made border security a centerpiece of his campaign, attacking Allred and the Biden/Harris administration for their border policies.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~695082 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Cruz**^#1 **Allred**^#2 **abortion**^#3 **border**^#4 **Texas**^#5

  11. CrotasScrota84 on

    One thing you have to know about Republicans and I work with them if you stand up to them they fold like a lawn chair.

    They use tactics I will get you before you get me hoping you stay quiet or don’t respond.

    You can see in the debate Ted Cruz turn into a child and laughing because he is a wimp. Trump called his wife ugly and he kisses his ass. That is a fucking bitch boy

    Same with Trump Kamala made Trump into a toddler on stage

    Vote Texas and you won’t have to see Ted Cruz again.

  12. SurfandStarWars on

    I always feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I go read conservatives’ comments of the same event. Some examples include:

    “We are 15 minutes in & its a bloodbath already. Allred is very limited verbally, has repeated himself multiple times, & you can tell he is extremely nervous as his voice is cracking bad. And he’s going up against the captain of the Harvard debate team, one of the greatest debaters ever.”

    “Allred is a step and fetch it boy for Dems. Zero substance. Cruz annihilated Allred in this debate. Crushed him.”

    “That was a feigging train wreck for Allred, but those of us who know, knew, that would be the case. aAllred was nothing but sound bites with no substance with an emotional appeal mixed in.”

    “Cruz is kicking this dudes ass”

  13. The only miss I feel was Ted advertising (a website that his team likely set up with lies about Allred) and Allred didn’t have an equivalent one called or something.

  14. BrofessorFarnsworth on

    Texas, you have a chance to not be a fucking blight on our nation. Do the right thing, this one time.