Ex-Liberal leader quits parliament after drugs charges



  1. Is he still claiming it was all deep faked… after he was arrested and charged for supplying drugs?

  2. Meanwhile in Qld, LNP wants to lock up your kids. Yet Politicians get a free get of jail card for all the shit they do.

  3. lmao the first time in recent memory a liberal has been ousted in shame; watch as we see this used as a reference for the next 80 years when anyone anywhere does anything even slightly wrong by the liberal party in their demands for punishment.

  4. The god fappers in the SA Libs stitched this cunt up right quick smart.

    The religious yokels in the party hated Speirs because he was just a wee bit progressive.

    and suddenly, oops busted.
    Stinks like the bait locker in my tinny.

    Now they have their full on religious fuck-wad Vince Tarzia at the helm it’s smiles all around, until they get their arses handed to ’em again at the next state election.

    SA Libs are a hilarious shit-show.

  5. Apprehensive_You6909 on

    At least he had the decency to quit once charged with criminal offences, unlike a long list of current and former state MPs and MLAs.