A diaper for sure.I don’t blame her for not sleeping in the same room as him.He is repulsive in the extreme.
NJ0000 on
She starts too look like Trump
viral_pinktastic on
Man that’ s harsh 😂
Lesterqwert on
She’s probably trying to block it out.
Frostline248 on
Or because its private wtf lol
NorthernFoxStar on
She answered to the question: does he wear pijamas? She laughingly said “no”
magneta2024 on
Or she doesn’t want to remember…
khismyass on
“well that Depends®”
Klutzy-Chocolate710 on
Melanie doesn’t want the world to know drump wears pjs with the feet and and flap in the butt area for easy access diaper changing. We see you Melanie…
A diaper for sure.I don’t blame her for not sleeping in the same room as him.He is repulsive in the extreme.
She starts too look like Trump
Man that’ s harsh 😂
She’s probably trying to block it out.
Or because its private wtf lol
She answered to the question: does he wear pijamas? She laughingly said “no”
Or she doesn’t want to remember…
“well that Depends®”
Melanie doesn’t want the world to know drump wears pjs with the feet and and flap in the butt area for easy access diaper changing. We see you Melanie…
Malaria needs to go back into remission.
Ask Stormy