Trump at town hall: “Let’s not do anymore questions. Let’s just listen to music….Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” — He then just stands there while music plays of artists who oppose him for 45 minutes.

Posted by agoodsolidthrowaway


  1. Dia-De-Los-Muertos on

    Ok so millions of people want this bloke to be one of the most powerful people on the planet, is that right ? My head is going to fall off from shaking it too much. It’s simply not making sense, not one bit of any of this makes fucking sense !

  2. LaughingAtNonsense on

    People thought he was dialling it in before. Bone Spurs can’t even do his klan rallies anymore. Fat Fuck looks like he is barely Weekend at Bernie’s-ing it up at the best of times.

  3. Shit his pants and the weird swaying was him trying to guide that turd down his legs and out.

    Meanwhile Noem is standing next to him like “time for some dogs?”

  4. I can’t believe this isn’t front page news on every site and newspaper. The man is seriously losing it in front of the world and everyone should know he’s not mentally well.

    You certainly can tell how in the bag for Donnie the mainstream media is these days

  5. “He really connected with me and answered all my questions” – undecided Pennsylvania voter, probably

  6. Why are millions of people still backing Trump? Because the Republicans Party requires a father figure leader, no matter how insane he might be, and because they are psychologically incapable of ever admitting they’re wrong. It creates a cult-like framework that sucks in otherwise normal people.

  7. Top-Philosophy-5791 on

    Is the republican Morticia on the right there Kristi Noem, the nefarious dark assassin of lovely pets?

  8. So when he faces Xi, at the brink of war, he’ll play YMCA and do his double jerk off “dance.”

  9. Right wing subs are probably saying he’s so strong for being a man who can dance his way into the presidency.