Kamala Harris pledges to support federal cannabis legalization



  1. > Vice President Kamala Harris pledged Monday to federally legalize cannabis, ensuring that “safe cultivation, distribution and possession of recreational marijuana is the law of the land.”

    > “It’s a stark contrast with Donald Trump, whose Department of Justice threatened federal prosecutions for marijuana in states where marijuana use is legal, threatening the unjust and disproportionate use of marijuana possession laws to put Black Americans behind bars,” the Harris campaign said.

  2. Mister_Hangman on

    Well there it is, folks.

    If this doesn’t push things over the finish line I just don’t know what will.

  3. followthelogic405 on

    And here in a few moments we’ll hear how that’s bad or not a new idea or should have happened earlier from a bunch of cynical apolitical folks that don’t realize if the whole country would actually get off their asses and vote this could have been done a decade sooner if not earlier. If you think voting doesn’t matter, then why do you think Republicans are constantly doing everything they can to keep people from voting? Because voting is our number one power as citizens in a democracy, of course we have a representative democracy, but if voting didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be billions of dollars spent influencing how people vote and everyone would be registered by default.

  4. Nellieorgiastic on

    Well I hope she gets voted in and makes good on her promise. I’m about tired of feeling like a criminal for someone else’s stupid laws.

  5. Nellieorgiastic on

    I don’t believe it until I see it, I feel like this is another ploy for votes and once she’s elected marijuana legalization will be an after thought.

  6. legalize it…don’t criticize it!

    i do not think anyone ever went out, got real fucking high on weed, then went home and beat their spouse. they may have said “i’m really hungry” and then went to watch tv though.

    but if you replace “weed” with “booze” i would not support that statement.

  7. Javasndphotoclicks on

    And the other guy pledges to deport your grandma who has been living here legally. /s

  8. This will be an excellent economic boom. Ontario did two billion dollars worth of sales in one year. Legalization in USA will be 10 times that.

  9. Can’t wait for all the stoners to wake up on the 7th and remember they needed to do something.

  10. awesome_Hetheranna on

    At this time, Trump is still saying that we should learn from China to ban cannabis.

  11. Starbucks__Lovers on

    New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy campaigned partially on this. It then went up on a constitutional ballot in the state. The sheer amount of comments on his Instagram saying “you’re the governor why don’t you do something about it?” Made me want to cry

  12. Not sure why this wasn’t part of her campaign sooner, not when there is only 3 weeks left until the election…

  13. Gentleman-vinny on

    Yea this will sway a lot of voters thats what happen in NJ the opposition stated they would only decriminalize it instead of legalize it and thats what costed them the election instead of just jumping on the bandwagon.

  14. Northerngal_420 on

    Canada went legal country wide over 6 years ago and not much has changed except for the windfall of taxes and the thousands of jobs for budtenders. It’s awesome. I can fly from province to province as long as I have under 30 grams.

  15. I hope we can legalize it to research why the hell I can’t have a good nights rest without the tiniest amount of weed

  16. Skiingislife42069 on

    I’ve heard that line before… always promised at the 11th hour. Nothing is ever done about it after they take office.

  17. I’ve got a letter of support and a pledge not to prosecute from Kamala Harris, from when she was DA in SF.

    Feds busted our Medical Cannabis grow because of a flimsy connection to a shady clone operation and thought they hit pay dirt. Then an agent made the mistake of mouthing off to her and her security while she was on the way out her front door.

    Turns out, actions have consequences even if you’re the DEA. They might be in their ‘Find Out’ stage right now.

  18. This is a no brainer for her candidacy. Should have been part of her messaging since the beginning. It is a very important issue for millions who have been incarcerated. Especially black men. If it is legalized and these voters records are expunged, they can vote, assuming no violent or additional convictions.

    Seriously though, the DEA can be easily used to enforce legalized cannabis policy. Anyone illegally growing or selling should be the criminals in a regulated cannabis market. States would still have the ability to regulate it, but the tax money from selling legal weed would be immense, so why would any state continue prosecuting it if it is nationally legal?

  19. I wish she would have said this a month ago for people to hear it. Along with working on lower Rx prices and other things that really affect people day to day. Talking about abstract topics in economics and foreign policy just loses the masses so quickly, and as much as I despise Trump, he does that usually between rants and narcissistic data dumps.

  20. Kamala’s pledges are worthless. She said she supported Medicare for All, but all she is offering is expanding the ACA. She’s nothing but a liar.

  21. NPR is promoting her initiative as outreach targeted at black male voters. They’re openly doing this. It’s so fucking racist it isn’t funny.

  22. ImaginationLiving320 on

    Good, but even if the feds go full legal, I’ll probably be dead before GA follows.

  23. Biden said the same shit , so until that shit is signed I don’t believe it

    Still voting for the not-fascist party so

  24. Every major city in America weed is legal. NY, Chicago, LA, DC, Vegas, etc. Really only people in Texas and flordia care about this anymore. Everyone else gets it from a neighbor state or it’s legal where they live. Doubt she even gets it done anyways, they couldn’t get the student loans done and people act like that was no big deal when it’s a way bigger deal then making a drug legal