hello, as a year 12 student who just did the first english exam, i was genuinely baffled seeing one of the stimulus texts u have to analyse is an AI IMAGE. my friend found the image of it online, but that’s what it looked like

for a subject which tells u to “analyse the deeper meaning”, “analyse the composer’s intent”, “appreciate aesthetic and intellectual value” having an AI image in which you physically can’t analyse anything deeper than what it suggests, it’s just extremely ironic 😭 idk, as an artist using AI images, i might have a different take on this since i’m an artist, what r ur thoughts?



  1. Completely unacceptable for the reasons you mentioned. If the subject is all about interpreting an artists vision how can you interpret something with no vision.

  2. PhDresearcher2023 on

    The concept of this is good in the sense that students should be learning critical thinking skills in the context of things they’ll actively apply to in their lives and AI is definitely one of these things. But the essay question they’ve given you here sounds like a trick question and honestly missed opportunity. I would have turned in an answer about the construction of meaning in the age of late stage capitalist hyper reality and how AI both produces and reproduces this. Throw in some cheeky matrix references to support the arguments and demonstrate media analysis skills (what I think they’re trying to get you to do here).

  3. The electronics appear to be powered by that chicken salt shaker on the left of the coffee.

    I guess humans and machines aren’t too different after all.

  4. I actually wonder if all the stock image companies are going to go out of business now. Stuff like clip art or that algeria art used for corporate work modules is slowly being replaced by ai art since its free. I had to do a work and safety elearn the other week and i too noticed theyd used AI images for the module. Its insane but i guess thats just life now.

  5. I’m pretty skeptical. Reverse image search comes up with a single result. Not sure how your friend could have possibly found this image without a digital copy.

  6. I think this is just a cost/time cutting measure that the exam writers employed to get a specific image quickly. The question works the same if this wasn’t an AI image, and the fact it’s AI is redundant. It’s just about visual comprehension and the ability to determine subtext.

    I can’t blame them for doing it really, finding an appropriate stock image or employing a freelancer to create something appropriate is far more complex and time consuming than just getting AI to whip up something perfect

  7. Well fuck it they (the people setting the exam, not sitting it) get a zero.

    This is insulting.

  8. In think you have a worm problem. It’s like those worms that come out of insects when you put the insect into water.

  9. PlusWorldliness7 on

    For a minute I thought you had converted your essay into a AI image which would be pretty interesting actually.

  10. Just goes to show that to succeed in English exams it’s whoever can BS the best.

    I’d definitely be taking this further though

  11. Did you take the angle and attack it cleverly as being ai generated junk?

    Seems like a good way to get top marks.

  12. I wonder what kind of mark you would get if you interpreted on face value and pretended it wasn’t AI. Like the artist was high or some shit and couldn’t draw proper wires into his phones or that his cables led into an imaginary make belief charger. Or that his computer was melting symbolises something.

  13. brackfriday_bunduru on

    The exam is to judge your ability to write an essay and coherently mount arguments with relation to the syllabus and structure the essay academically to a university standard.

    I have no idea what the syllabus is anymore but it wouldn’t matter if the image is AI or not, that shouldn’t have a bearing on your ability to write an essay that adheres to the judging criteria.

  14. slothunderyourbed on

    The English syllabus has been dogshit for years but this is a new low. It’s ridiculous that this subject is mandatory and maths is not. Over the course of university and my time in the workplace I’ve had to unlearn everything the English syllabus taught me about writing.

  15. I don’t see the issue. ‘analyzing the intent of the author’ has *always* just meant make up some absolute and obvious bullshit and dress it up in some flowery prose. You know it’s bullshit, the teacher knows it’s bullshit, you’re being graded on how well you can pretend it’s not, which is probably the number one skill you will need in your corporate future. And people complain that school doesn’t teach practical skills.

  16. Frankly- good. This is a critical part of modern media literacy. Being able to identify and critique AI art is a valuable skill, and one that will be increasingly relevant. See: people on Facebook commenting on clearly AI images without analysis or thought.

    As an exam text, the image is a good one on the theme of “nature and technology” and the fact of it being AI generated adds another layer of irony and significance to the audience. There’s a shitload to talk about and as a five mark question it’s a walk in the park (certainly outside an exam environment).