Donald Trump is not well


  1. Trump at his town hall: “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?”

    …..while people pass out because Trump did not pay for airconditioning

  2. NativePhoenician on

    A large portion of the US appears to be not well. As a sane person, I’m just tired boss. How much longer do we have to endure?

  3. franchisedfeelings on

    Look at his typical hateful video from 4 years ago, compared to his current insufferable, whiney, rambling, ranting, stream of consciousness babbling, that’s so hard to follow.

    That footage from the Detroit economy group where he basically calls Detroit a shithole, and somehow ends up talking about musk’s rocket landing and suddenly diverts into some wild shit about Biden’s beautiful 8 circles that he can’t fill up.

    Total freaking whackadoodle noodle!

  4. Kind of has that sad orange clown look of resignation. Like maybe the circus is closing for the night and moving on?

  5. NegativePermission40 on

    I’ve been saying for years that he’s a sociopath. And his mental state is not going to improve with dementia setting in. With his limited IQ, and his pathological lying, he’s a Clear and Present Danger to the USA.

  6. This is becoming truly frightening! We need the billionaire Dems to fund Prime Time extended ads on Fox to try to get the truth to his supporters! Video of his inability to answer questions and, sometimes, even lacking the ability to be coherent! Our media is turning a blind eye to this. SHAME ON THEM! They stand by and pretend to be fair but OMG, this is beyond the pale. Kamala’s people have to re-electrify her voters and the undecided AND the Trumpers who are starting to feel uneasy about how things are deteriorating! Any thoughts about the feedback he got from his courtiers when he finally left the stage?

  7. Anyway, so a few days ago I woke up in the morning and read headlines about a tweet from an unhinged, mentally ill, crybaby criminal, sex offender with this message for Americans in all caps:



    This is a message from someone who wants to be the President of the United States? Are you serious?

    Do I deserve this? Does anyone?

    What on earth does that say about him? It tells me immediately he’s not playing with a full deck.

    What does it say about his supporters who cheer him on?

    “They’re eating dogs. They’re eating cats. They’re eating pets!”


    Why are his supporters constantly trying to normalize crazy?

    It must be exhausting for them to have to explain, walk back, defend and try to make Trump look and sound sane almost everyday to everyone except other MAGAs.

    One thing is certain. Trump has earned a reputation as someone who is crazy.

    Trump attracts hate with his constant divisive hate rhetoric he spews like a broken toxic sewer 24/7.

    After this November it’s in the history books. You can bet it’s going to be in the movies and the tv mini-series. This will be forever.

    Now, I’m very aware that there are lots of MAGA keyboard toughies and who like to talk a mean game.

    All that tough talk and bravado is going to fall away after this November.

    Call me a libtard, a snowflake or whatever you want but I’m going to tell you the truth.

    It might be a month, it might be a year, it might even be 10 years but understand this simple truth about humans; no one wants to be known as crazy.

    Here’s another truth: no one wants to be known as a follower of a crazy person…NO ONE.

    When you cast your vote for Trump, that’s forever. You might not care now but in time you are going to care. You will care – a lot.

    Your friends and your family members including your children (if you have any) and your grandchildren in the future will read about the crazy President named Trump during this time period of history.

    They’re going to ask you how a convicted felon and sex offender was allowed to run for the Presidency?

    When they are old enough they’ll see the movies and they’ll read the history books.

    It’s only natural they’re going to ask you if you voted for him?

    There’s no doubt that day will come. By that time you’ll have forgotten this warning but it won’t matter.

    You’ll likely feel a lump in your throat and hurt in your heart when you lie to your family and friends.

    And you will lie. You will lie and you’ll deny you voted for Trump. You’ll be too embarrassed to admit it.

    After November you will conceal it from others because they will regard anyone who would vote for someone who is crazy as crazy themselves.

    You will be looked at by family and friends with eyes of pity and as someone who is weak-minded and easily misled.

    After the election you will lie about your vote for Trump for the rest of your life.

  8. And you got those idiots standing there going along with his craziness, what alternate universe are we living in right now!