The relative has such health problems that he needs aids. First, the treadmill. You have to find something for him that fits in the car. The current one is kolakas, which folds lengthwise, that is, the joint is on the sides. Very clumsy, even when assembled, it does not fit well in a normal car. You have to carve to get it through the door or trunk, with the handles in the lowest position. About such a joke, we got it from a recycling store for 40 euros:

What kind of scooters would be good to look for, if the condition is that they fit in the trunk of the car, in the back seat or between the seats so that it is easy to get in and out? I think that maybe the ones that can be folded sideways so that the sides approach each other when folded would be suitable. For example: Does anyone have experience? Sticks and crutches are not recommended. With them, the relative can move about 10 meters. At home, he has installed all kinds of handles on the walls, the scooter is necessary for moving outside.

Second, a support vest. The support belts we have available do not support a person’s back if the health of the back is worse than a certain limit. Something that covers and supports the whole body would be needed. They are not available in our stores. I have heard that you can from Latvia. Maybe someone has experience?

Kust leida hea rulaator ja tugivest?
byu/simply-grey-cat inEesti

Posted by simply-grey-cat


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