Swastika flags flown during Donald Trump boat parade in Florida



  1. By Flynn Nicholls – US News Reporter:

    A boat bearing swastika symbols and Donald Trump flags was hosed down after trying to join a Trump boat parade in Jupiter, Florida.

    The boat was photographed attempting to take part in the parade on Sunday in the Republican presidential candidate’s home county of Palm Beach.

    Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/swastika-flags-flown-donald-trump-boat-parade-florida-us-presidential-2042-election-1968426](https://www.newsweek.com/swastika-flags-flown-donald-trump-boat-parade-florida-us-presidential-2042-election-1968426)

  2. kingoffortlauderdale on

    The second most powerful person in the family behind Donald Trump is the orthodox jewish son-in-low, Jared Kushner. Nazi MAGA supporting powerful jews who control them again.

  3. >”I was in the parade today. Just like on J6 [January 6], those are not Trump supporters. They were antifa scumbag imposters and were treated accordingly as you’ll see in the video.”

    Typical MAGA bullshit denials despite the Nazis being identified as:

    >”known antisemite Jon Minadeo II” and “his cronies from the GDL (Goyim Defense League),” a neo-Nazi group

  4. Trump’s dark rhetoric against immigrants seems to be solidifying and energizing his base, which explains why the polls have tightened. We need to make certain our side shows the same energy or we will all be living in the Republic of Gilead.

  5. This is good. Let the Neo-Nazis pour into his rallies and fly their flags high. Let the whole country see it and let Trump and the Nazi flag be synonymous in every voter’s mind as they walk into the polls in November. It’s his true colors.

  6. Just remember, if you go to a rally and there is even a single Nazi flag that no one is demanding the removal of, you’re at a Nazi rally.

  7. Bet some of these scumbags are also pro-Israel because they have absolute zero idea of what they are doing.

  8. >”All Nazis are Trump voters. Sickening.”

    What more do you need to know America? Harris should win in a massive landslide tbh. WTF is this election as close as it is? One third of American voters are sick in the head. I have neighbors with Trump and Vance signs in their damn front yard!

    Living among people who approved of Trump and his nazi cult is not a good feeling.

  9. Sure would be great if anyone on Trump’s side, especially Trump himself would condemn this. I wonder why they haven’t hmmm…

  10. “Which side do you support?”

    “Which side has all the Nazis? I support the other one.”

    I was very happy with this response the one time I used it. Honestly wish people asked me my affiliation more.

    “Oh, Democrats… I’m pro-worker.”

  11. OnDrugsTonight on

    Whether it’s the confederate flag or the swastika, these people really do love the flags of the enemies the United States has defeated before. Maybe they need a refresher.

  12. I think the damage Donald Trump has done to this country is so irreparable that most of us won’t see it fixed in our lifetime. And that’s not the worst part.

    I will never forget the people who helped him in his administration. Or the people who voted for him out of spite for one of their hateful games because they hate gay men or women or racial minorities. I did not tolerate these people before, but after seeing the depths of their hypocrisy…hatred…and how they have taken pleasure in seeing their fellow Americans terrified – I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive anyone who supports this.

    He better not win this election.

  13. “The party of patriotism” sure loves to have imagery of nazism and white supremacy, remember when republicans were criticizing the DNC for having so many American flags but there were barely any to be seen at the RNC?

  14. Look, I can believe and even understand that some Trump supporters aren’t nazis. But when they’re immediately going for “IT’S ANTIFA!!!111” as an excuse, I’m just exhausted. You fucking brain rotted pieces of shit.

  15. If you stand on the side with trump you are standing beside white supremecists and neo-nazis.

    If youre ok with that then you are supporting white supremecy and nazi-ism.

  16. basketballsteven on

    Hey Newsweek don’t inform us about the Nazi flags, try informing CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the NY Times, the WAPO and get them them to cover Trump’s Nazi eugenics beliefs nonstop, everyday, like they covered Biden’s age issue.

  17. Reviews-From-Me on

    Trump supporters claiming these individuals are “imposters” and claiming Trump supporters would never support Nazi’s. At the same time, it’s common to see Confederate flags at Trump rallies and being flown by Trump supports.

    Question for Trump supporters, what’s the difference?