Israeli envoy criticizes Japanese atomic survivor’s Gaza comparison


  1. I mean, this complaint doesn’t really make sense.

    Imperial Japan was one of the worst countries of all time.

    I have no issue comparing Gaza to Hiroshima. Both situations were justified and both situations came with terrible civilian tolls.

    Edit: Damn, the tankies are here in force and PMing me about how the nukes were bad. I guess the Chinese civilians being massacred at the time weren’t of value to you.

  2. Maybe Japan shouldn’t have attacked Perl Harbor 80 years ago? Like, should we now feel bad for imperial Japan that was, not unlike Hamas, unvilling to surrender?

    Edit: knowing what he knows now, would it not have been better for Japan to surrender **before** the atomic bombs? Maybe he should be advocating for expedited Hamas surrender in order to stop current and avoid future suffering?

    Edit2: damn Iranian/Russian bots working double time on this one…

  3. Why can’t people think in nuance? He never said Israel, hamas, Japan or USA in the right or wrong. He only empathizes with the victim, how the war victim feels, most of them doesn’t even have anything to do with the war yet they become victim. He said people who work to make peace in gaza should win. He just wants people to live in peace and appreciate people who work for it. Don’t we all want the same thing?

  4. _DragonReborn_ on

    The Israeli government is evil and should be prosecuted for war crimes. Actually vile.