Are these pronouns being taught to children through schools, or have they not started yet?

Posted by uanitasuanitatum


  1. Sapphic-Tea2008 on

    Does it make your life any worse? Does it prevent you from drinking whatever with your friends? Does it prevent you from going to work? Does it prevent you from doing anything else you like? No? Then shut up, don’t be transphobic and focus on the politicians exploiting us.

  2. Po mesohen. Por peremrat te preferuar te mi nuk jan ne listen tende.

    Peremrat si i preferoj un jane:

    * Majima
    * Goro
    * Majima Goro
    * Lord of the Night
    * Mad Dog of Shimano
    * 真島 吾朗

    * 真島 会長
    * 真島 船長

    Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

    Shum Faleminderit.