Top 4 longest borders in the world

Posted by Individual-Sun-9426


  1. RefuseAcceptable1670 on

    Are things so bad in US that it has started to pretend to be Canada?

    Edit: I based on the title, without much thinking. Obviously title is wrong and the map shows longest borders between 2 countries, not longest borders

  2. Well the US-Mexican border is shorter than the US-Canadian but much more important, as things stand.

    The impressive rise of China was made possible not only by economic and administrative reforms, but also by improving relations with the Soviet Union / Russia after 1985.

    And as the great historian Braudel claimed, water unifies more than land. In the current immigration crisis I woul not want to be a resident of southern Italy or the Greek Islands.

  3. dexterthekilla on

    The border between the US and Canada is the longest in the world at almost 8.9 km

  4. And longest border in Europe: *France and Brazil…*

    ^(Jk it’s Sweden and Norway. Obviously.)

  5. Homeless_Man92 on

    My guy doesn’t know what a border is or a single country. Why include Canada in Amerika and Mongolia in china. Oh and Kazachstan in Russia

  6. What is the map supposed to depict? Longest border between two countries? If so, both Russia-Kazakhstan and Argentina-Chile seems to be misrepresented.

  7. Should have done a top 5 since 5th longest shared boarder is the most unexpected one, Bangladesh-India, just ahead 6th place China-Russia and 7th place Russia-Mongolia (Mexico-USA is 10th for context).

  8. EdwardLovagrend on

    I think you should make it clear because people in the comments are kinda slow.

    The colors show the 2 countries that share that border.

    So for example the US and Canada are both green because they share the world’s longest border.

  9. aquatic-gorilla on

    This comment section is destroying my faith in humanity. Boarders are things shared by two countries.

  10. Regretandpride95 on

    Why is Russia’s border with Kazakhstan singled out but it’s border with Mongolia and China is combined in single number?