Got this in the mail yesterday. Jokes on them…. I’m a filthy socialist.

Posted by Famous_Strike_6125


  1. Funny, ‘my hard-earned money’ is how I felt every time I saw my taxes going toward Trump doing another round of golf.

  2. Who is the ad targeted towards? Billionaires?

    Ok, all 8 of them agree with this ad.

    Everyone else doesn’t want to get another trump term where everything tanks again

  3. ---Spartacus--- on

    What makes Capitalist / Conservative propaganda so insidious is that Capitalism leaves you with so little in your wallet and then threatens what little you have using their “Communist” bogeyman.

  4. Anyone who thinks that the Dems in the USA are even SLIGHTLY close to being Communist need to pick up a book 😂 The US needs to realise that their two parties are either “Pretty far right” and “VERY far right” 😂

  5. True Story: Trump has regular phone calls with Vladimir Putin were they discuss how best Trump can help this dictator rebuild the Communist USSR. Trump has, on these phone calls, talked with Putin while a stack of Top Secret military documents stolen from the White House sits on his desk.

  6. mockingbirddude on

    The economy does better under Democrats. Period. It’s been like that at least since the Great Depression.

  7. houstonyoureaproblem on

    Only one person is threatening to impose tariffs on all imported goods, which will just be a tax on American consumers.

  8. she’s not coming for MY hard-earned money because I make less than $400,000 a year. if she’s coming for YOUR money then it sounds like you have more than you need and it should go to help those who are suffering. 🤷‍♀️

  9. Got to get in line. Obama is still coming for my guns and Biden still has to come for my freedoms.

  10. Is that a WW2 German Luftwaffe uniform? They can’t get that communists are far left and Nazis are far right. I guess expecting intellectual competence is probably asking too much of these gluteal circus performers.

  11. I mean… they do realize she’s already been the vice president for 4 years right?

    This fear mongering is so absolutely and obviously genetic to anyone with a few brain cells that can connect and make a spark.

    What is most lazy about this sort of propaganda by the R’s is that __Trump HAS been the president before__ we know what to expect from him except it would be supersized this time around.

    He feel his laziness in campaigning is really going to bite him in his big old orange ass very soon, but instead of realizing it was his incompetence and laziness he will instead call it “rigged” and “false” and that he lost bc “they cheated”.

    He’s so lame and predictable, wish he’d choke on a McRib already

  12. carpetbagger001 on

    During the 1960 campaign I asked my grandfather the difference between Republicans and Democrats. He said the Dems would take your money and try to do some good with it, but the Reps take you money and put it in their pockets. At 8 years I didn’t quite get it, but today it is so obvious I can’t figure out how a 5 year old could miss it. Vote Blue .

  13. This just plays on the fact a large number of Americans don’t understand what socialism is. Socialism is having the fire brigade come to your house for FREE when you have a fire rather than you having to phone up a private organisation and negotiatie a price for it.

    It’s when the public collectively fund things that the public can collectively use. Like schools, roads and infrastructure, military, NASA, etc

  14. Kamala could promise to deep fry my testicles and I’d still pick her because I’m not backing a fucking pedophile, no matter what.

  15. The GOP is always fiscally irresponsible and not conservative. They shouldn’t be allowed to touch the budget as they typically always create recessions. They decimate your wallet unless you’re in the 1% which 99% of people are not.