European Parliament wants to triple the number of Guard officers to 30,000 (Standing Corps)

Posted by EUstrongerthanUS


  1. EUstrongerthanUS on

    Expanding equipment-wise as well:

    *The EU border agency possess 333 maritime vessels including (source):*

    *Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV)*
    *Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV)*
    *Coastal Patrol Boats (CPB)*
    *Fast Interception boats*

    *Frontex also possesses 89 aerial vehicles including the ‘Fixed Wing Aircraft (FWA)’ and helicopters (source). Furthermore, the agency equips their aircrafts with live video streams to the Frontex Situation Centre*

    *Frontex has sponsored research on the use of artificial intelligence for border controls including the use of biometric data and surveillance technology. Above all, their main use of data technology is for risk analysis to aid decision making.*

  2. EUstrongerthanUS on

    There’s broad support from across the political spectrum. Macron’s Renew Europe, Meloni’s ECR and von der Leyen’s EPP all in favor. Orbanites always voted against Frontex. It shows they don’t care about migration and only use the issue to try to divide Europeans for Russia and China.

  3. Low_Priority_3748 on

    Whooooo that’s weird. Does this perhaps have something to do with the discontent among its member states about immigration? The turn to the right in elections whenever elections are held?

  4. I work in immigration currently and would have loved to have joined Frontex, but sadly it requires me to speak another language and that’s my one major weakness.

    Great to see they want to expand the service. They do a lot of great work and provide helpful cooperation to national agencies.

  5. Temporary-Guidance20 on

    Would be good to tackle people trafficking „NGOs”. Scuttle their ship and put crews in jail.

  6. Real solution would be to offer a good and efficient asylum system that can be accessed from abroad, instead of pushing people to dangerously and illegally cross borders to get a chance at it (and then demonize them) and sponsor dictatorships with bad human rights records to keep them out, hypocrites