Hello everyone,

a quick update on the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Austria/s/MwBIIsooD0

Now some people have asked you whether everything went well. Yes, it is. Yesterday we arrived back home in the safe flatland, learned our lesson and perhaps also found out who would serve as dinner in the worst case scenario.

Thank you all for the help, tips and fun!

And because many people have asked: We were on the Karneralm in the Chalet Auszeit. It was really fantastic, despite the snow. Sounds like an advertisement, but it’s not meant that way. We are simply incredibly grateful to the host. He provided us with food and hope in our darkest hours (around 10 p.m. it’s really dark on the mountain). And – despite being German – we were given 3 extra days so that we could still hike (big Königsstuhl is awesome). It was just a great experience and it’s really beautiful there. Finally, we treated ourselves to the Ronacher Spa – which we can only recommend. Everyone in Austria was so incredibly nice and friendly to us and the country and nature were just absolutely amazing. We’re already thinking about moving here, but after all this stupidity we’ve probably lost the permit. The only option left is probably your next vacation with helicopter taxi insurance.

See you soon dear Austria


Posted by rehkirsch


  1. ArchbishopRambo on

    Freut mich, dass alles gut ausgegangen ist und ihr noch ein paar Tage ohne Schnee genießen konntet.

  2. > aber nach der Blödheit haben wir den Erlaubnisschein vermutlich verspielt

    Nah, da seid ihr in guter Gesellschaft hier.

  3. Warum tust du so als wärt ihr jemals in Gefahr gewesen? Wie kann man sich so wichtig nehmen?

    Ihr wart eingeschneit, ok well, kann passieren. Du hattest jederzeit Mobilfunknetz, ihr hattet Strom, Wärme, Verpflegung und hättet jederzeit Hilfe holen können. Lass doch das Drama weg. Ich hab das Problem im ersten Reddit Post schon nicht verstanden, gehts hier einfach um Selbstdarstellung?