Jewish school in Canada hit by gunfire for second time


  1. Cosmic_Shipwright on

    I wish we had the spine to stand up to this in Canada. We’ve been bringing in extremists for years and censoring any sort of discussion on them under the pretence of combating Islamophobia. There are mosques that are recruiting and radicalizing youth to carry out attacks domestically and abroad. These imams walk free and even give public speeches calling for violence.

  2. I’m pretty sure this isn’t only the 2nd time since October 7th I remember at least 2 other bullet’s at schools, there were also Jewish school busses set on fire.

    Edit: I was right

    >In November 2023, a Jewish school in Montreal was shot at twice in a single week, with no one injured.

  3. pessimistoptimist on

    He probably is going to make this about gun control to deflect from the actual problem that he has created and continues to foster.

  4. Popular_Travel4714 on

    Shooting at 4am at night? Some random teenagers trying to stir up tension or actual hate crime? Whatever it is, hope the cops find them.

  5. Even_Establishment95 on

    I’m pretty sure anyone and everyone who is actively trying to kill other people are bad people. That would be all of the above. How does anyone support any side here? I’m very confused.

  6. There was also a pro Palestine march in Canada (Vancouver, not Montreal) where people were burning Canadian flags and shouting death to Canada and USA… these people are unhinged.