Michael Moore Dares Joe Biden to Use ‘Full Immunity’ in Last Days as Prez



  1. flyover_liberal on

    I hope he pardons his son. Clearly, his case would never have been brought to trial if he weren’t Joe Biden’s son; the plea agreement was appropriate, according to legal experts.

    I’d also really like it if he pardoned Reality Winner. She disclosed one document which was overclassified – it contained information that was already common knowledge. She served time that was far in excess of her offense, and she should get a clean slate.

  2. Truthisnotallowed on

    Biden is well aware – the SCOTUS ‘full immunity’ ruling only applies to Donald Trump.

    If Trump gets in and prosecutes Biden, the SCOTUS will rule that nothing Biden did were ‘actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority’ and therefore do not provide any immunity to Biden.

    On the other hand, if Harris wins, SCOTUS may well decide to find that everything Trump did were ‘actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority’ and therefore do provide Trump with ‘Full Immunity’.

  3. No matter the outcome of the election, Biden should resign the day after. If she wins, Harris can get to work right away. If she loses, she still gets to be president. It will drive everyone absolutely bonkers.

  4. Own-Opinion-7228 on

    biden should executively order the dissolution of the supreme court. let the next president stsrt ovet

  5. I feel like every movie and tv show and book and myth I’ve ever been exposed to has told me that you can’t use the powers of evil and expect things to turn out good…

  6. In my fantasies on the way out the door Biden would just legalize all the people awaiting their immigration hearings.

    Get the wait list back to zero and maybe we can fix the actual issue

  7. > Moore’s “Bucket List for Scranton Joe” included 13 line items such as officially declaring the Equal Rights Amendment as “the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution,” eliminating student and medical debt, banning spam text messaging, granting clemency for non-violent drug offenders, and pardoning Edward Snowden.

  8. king_of_the_nothing on

    Hmmm, declare the six justices that gave him immunity to be a threat to US security and drop a drone on each of their houses.

  9. Reasonable-Sweet9320 on

    Pardon Edward Snowden? !!
    I don’t think so.
    Edward Snowden deserves a trial.
    I can’t see President Biden ignoring what the intel committee and intel staff have advised to successive presidents over the years.


    “Review of the Unauthorized Disclosures of Former National Security Agency Contractor Edward Snowden” prepared by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (the “HPSCI Report”), ……..
    HPSCI Report itself was signed by all 22 members, Democrat and Republican. As that bipartisan HPSCI Report observed, Snowden “caused tremendous damage to national security, and the vast majority of the documents he stole ha[d] nothing to do with programs impacting individual privacy interests—they instead pertain[ed] to military, defense, and intelligence programs of great interest to America’s adversaries.” Indeed, the intelligence programs that Snowden compromised represent the single biggest blow to U.S. communications intelligence activities since John Walker supplied the Soviet Union with stolen codes for nearly 20 years before being caught in the mid-1980s.“

    Despite the message conveyed in his well produced documentary , he omits key details about his illegal breach of critical national security information including the impact it had.

  10. If I were him. I would have stationed seal time six in front of every supreme Court justices house during their entire deliberation of the immunity case.

  11. Okay, this is a pet peeve of mine and this is going to be a long rant, but:

    The immunity ruling has been widely (but understandably) misinterpreted. It does have dangerous, king-like repercussions, but for different reasons and not where peoples’ imaginations are taking them.

    There’s this popular sentiment that the ruling made Presidents suddenly all-powerful and capable of anything, but that’s not really the takeaway. The theories seemed tongue-in-cheek at first, but I’m seeing far too often these serious, false expectations of what Biden (and hopefully Harris) can do because of it.

    **The ruling does not expand Presidential power.** Many are hung on up on the whole “official act” terminology, but it’s important to note that the ruling gave determination of “official acts” to *the courts*. NOT the President. The ruling doesn’t establish that Presidents can simply say “I declare my own actions official!” like he’s Michael Scott and do whatever they want.

    Summing up the ruling as much as possible, it basically says:

    – Core constitutional powers are absolutely immune (so things specifically spelled out in the Constitution – pardon power, war powers, veto, etc.). And dealings with the DOJ are immune.

    – Private acts that have no bearing on the office or its duties are not protected.

    – Everything else (the whole “what is an official act or not?” question) is up for review by the courts. SCOTUS literally designed the ruling so that anything remotely contentious would boomerang back to them to decide.

    **It is much more about corrupt incentive, not outright power.** (Although there’s some overlap).

    What the ruling DOES do is grant (potential) personal protection from criminal liability, and so it’s much more beneficial to someone who is, well.. a criminal. Think about Trump here: He won a year+ of delays from the January 6th case and potentially others. It incentivizes him to seek the office again for further legal protection. It incentivizes him to offer pardons to those willing to commit crimes on his behalf. He could theoretically commit crimes himself like bribery. He could order the DOJ or Seal Team 6 to commit crimes and have a much greater chance of escaping personal legal accountability at a future date.

    That is why the ruling is dangerous – it encourages someone who might abuse the office and commit crimes to do so, because they might have more protection – and that begins a much broader, frightening road we could go down. But it doesn’t inherently grant someone like Biden power to DO anything more effectively in the first place. It still requires willing criminal participants and navigating the courts to succeed.

    People might say “well, Biden could order Merrick Garland to arrest the Supreme Court or Congress,” etc, but that brings me to the last point: he could have tried that anyway with the same success rate before July 1st, 2024:

    **Sitting Presidents already enjoy theoretical immunity from criminal liability, regardless of the ruling.** Or it would at least require a monumental effort to prosecute a sitting President. It can be argued the ruling’s legal ramifications are only relevant to former Presidents, because they must be out of office to face prosecution in the first place. (This is why it’s so important Trump doesn’t become President again. The Oval Office is an insane legal shield and always has been)

    I know it sounds absurd with our whole “no one is above the law” notion, and I personally disagree with it. But the President is the head of the DOJ and the Executive Branch, they can fire the AG. There is standing DOJ/OLC policy based on constitutional arguments that a sitting President cannot be prosecuted at the state or federal level. And the Supreme Court has backed this notion in multiple rulings, basically saying a President’s constitutional duties cannot be impeded by legal proceedings, and that they would need to be impeached/removed from office. At the very least, if a President didn’t want to be prosecuted, they could put up quite a fight to avoid it.

    Anyway, the point is that the power so many think Biden “gained” from the ruling (immunity while in office), he already had.

    **TL;DR** – the immunity ruling is very dangerous in many ways and can lead to dangerous consequences, but it doesn’t suddenly grant the office of the Presidency any inherent new power it didn’t have before. These popular notions that Biden or Harris can suddenly do anything they want are misguided and unhelpful IMO.

  12. The SCOTUS WILL find a way to rule his action where not an official duty and open the door for his arrest. This was made for Trump by his SCOTUS and they will make sure it only applies to him.

  13. Reasonable-Aide7762 on

    Or just have the Secret Service emliminate your political rivals. I know that’s harsh but I gotta say that trump has some balls for making assassins legal as long as it’s a presidential act when hes not currently president and running against the gentleman. Like, in doing so he basically called Biden a bitch. Like he doesn’t have the willpower to do it. Biden. Just make the phone call and let’s end this lunacy.

  14. Joe Biden and Democrats will never do this because they’re too damn nice and polite. They always bring a plastic spoon to a gun fight.

  15. In the event of a Harris loss, Biden could at least pardon himself, his son and all the members of his administration to keep Trump from suborning the Justice Department to put them all under investigation and possible trial in kangaroo courts that have Trump judges.

    If he doesn’t do this, there will be a tremendous amount of regret once we see the endless parade of Democratic defendants facing prosecution for making decisions or saying things Trump disagreed with.

  16. The list from Moore does not make any sense. The “immunity” decision does not grant the president more actual powers, it protects from prosecution. So, all those acts (like unilaterally amending the constitution) would be overturned. Probably even flat out ignored in most cases before being overturned. 

    Moore is either stupid or disingenuously generating headline bait quotes to be relevant. 

  17. EastGlencoeTrading on

    Game on: use executive authority and declare the six conservative justices and their spouses “enemies of the state”. Have robocop fitted teams of gorrilas throw flash bangs through their homes windows and put a gun to their temple while their children are screaming in a corner at gunpoint – like they do for intelligence employees who take home top secret files and, maybe, say, stack them in a bathroom next to a toilet. Black bag them and fly them to Guantanmo, then waterboard them and their spouses every day for a month. Sleep deprived, then dump them off wrist tied and naked in the middle of bum fuck nowhere rural town usa. I suspect they’d come back singing a different tune about presidential immunity for inherent authority, etc.

    Edit: that would be illegal, immoral and wrong. SCOTUS conservative justices made that decision and it would be fitting to see them reap what they sow.

  18. Do it. Leave the legacy as your last act as fighting for whats right.

    What does he have to lose?

  19. Michael more is showing he’s an idiot. This is not how that works. You’re asking Biden to commit crimes. If you’re immune to prosecution for a crime it still is a crime.

  20. He should do something ostentatiously illegal. Like pardon people he was going to paron anyway only if they mail him 3 loose cigarettes from over state lines.

  21. Significant-Dog-8166 on

    Well none of Moore’s suggestions were illegal though, and many were already tried and then stalled in courts – such as student debt forgiveness (which is a shallow band aid fix that just kicks the can down the road harder for future generations).

    Also, last 100 days? Part of this is during an election, is Moore just stupid? If Biden does anything outrageous before Harris wins, he could be giving the White House to Trump, who would immediately undo everything out of basic partisan spite as he always does.

    What Biden should do is wait for Harris to win, then use executive orders to commandeer the homes of the Supreme Court, and their families and friends and Harlan Crowe. “Special Military Operation, Top Secret, exit the building this is a national security issue.”. Be petty, be mean, be official. Make them regret their decision.