I wonder if Trump’s main complaint with migrant’s taking jobs is that he has to pay them?

Posted by ttforum


  1. Trump doesn’t care about migrants at all, he’ll happily hire them and pay them shit. He just knows it’s a soundbyte that makes conservatives angry. “Deporting” millions of illegal immigrants will fuck the US economy. Trump is a dipshit that will say anything yo win.

  2. They don’t care about them being undocumented, they care that sanctuary cities give them legal recourses when being exploited. There’s a reason they don’t go after the employers…

  3. These weren’t undocumented. Slave traders kept detailed notes about their cargo. That’s why we have this image.

  4. Copernicus_Brahe on

    The ‘South’ would not even exist if not for the free labor that gave them an advantage over every other industrialized area.

  5. Property is different than people. Call them property and all the Boomers are at peace. Call them people and segregation comes to mind.

  6. Slaves were property so they were cargo and documented in detail.

    Which doesn’t detract from the point of the post but just clarifying they don’t view us as people.

  7. AutomaticJesusdog on

    Republicans don’t really want mass deportation, the corporations that sponsor their political campaigns need those illegal workers. Or maybe they don’t realize that because they’re dumb and blinded by hatred for immigrants.

  8. Each time i see anything related to the slave trade im apalled. I don’t know how long it took them to cross the Atlantic from Africa, but it must have been at least 10-15 days. Can you imagine being stuffed in there, in absolute filth and squalor, with probably feces, sick and urine gathering in the keel.

    Poor poor people.