Why don’t they just legalise it and get it over with.
Ambitious_Bill_7991 on
Drug war is definitely over this time. Congratulations, we’ll never see this drug on the streets again.
Ha! A drop in the ocean. This will have little, if any, effect to supply or price.
GeminiBlind on
So many seizures and so little achieved ….is the war on drugs the most pointless effort in law enforcement
TheStoicNihilist on
Big drought coming!
Smiley_Dub on
I wonder how the tarrif for sale and supply of cannabis varies by country
Does it follow that if the prison estate is full, then suspended sentences and lower tariffs to other jurisdictions are the order of the day?
notevenclosecnt on
It uses to be the case that a big seizure like this would mean higher prices when next lads go to collect. So why for yeeears now has it done nothing to price? In actuality, the variety to choose from has increased 2 or 3 fold. The cost has remained largely the same, except you can expect to pay more for higher quality stuff which makes sense. Just legalise it lads. There’s absolutely nothing they can do to stop the influx.
spb641 on
Number of guards policing the roads lower than it’s been in years, and road deaths up 30-odd percent since 2019, but sure, this is a good use of resources.
lood9phee2Ri on
garda value €8,500,000 / street value €85,000
Spekingur on
That’s like a week for personal use
Ziggy-T on
What a waste of weed.
UnicornMilkyy on
What’s the point in the war on drugs?
EltonBongJovi on
Prohibition on something you can grow in your wardrobe, so ridiculous.
Patatemagique on
In Canada we would say 8.5 M worth of new cans is coming in and 2M more in taxes for our public systems! most people don’t care, stoners are happy to discover a new flavour! I lived in Ireland for 6 years, just legalize it guys it really isn’t that hard and that big of a deal and everyone is better off after.
kilters on
Does this mean my local park will smell different?
qwerty_1965 on
Third big (million plus) seizure in a week.
No-Outside6067 on
What street are they buying theirs on? that’s €19 a gram.
Why don’t they just legalise it and get it over with.
Drug war is definitely over this time. Congratulations, we’ll never see this drug on the streets again.
Ha! A drop in the ocean. This will have little, if any, effect to supply or price.
So many seizures and so little achieved ….is the war on drugs the most pointless effort in law enforcement
Big drought coming!
I wonder how the tarrif for sale and supply of cannabis varies by country
Does it follow that if the prison estate is full, then suspended sentences and lower tariffs to other jurisdictions are the order of the day?
It uses to be the case that a big seizure like this would mean higher prices when next lads go to collect. So why for yeeears now has it done nothing to price? In actuality, the variety to choose from has increased 2 or 3 fold. The cost has remained largely the same, except you can expect to pay more for higher quality stuff which makes sense. Just legalise it lads. There’s absolutely nothing they can do to stop the influx.
Number of guards policing the roads lower than it’s been in years, and road deaths up 30-odd percent since 2019, but sure, this is a good use of resources.
garda value €8,500,000 / street value €85,000
That’s like a week for personal use
What a waste of weed.
What’s the point in the war on drugs?
Prohibition on something you can grow in your wardrobe, so ridiculous.
In Canada we would say 8.5 M worth of new cans is coming in and 2M more in taxes for our public systems! most people don’t care, stoners are happy to discover a new flavour! I lived in Ireland for 6 years, just legalize it guys it really isn’t that hard and that big of a deal and everyone is better off after.
Does this mean my local park will smell different?
Third big (million plus) seizure in a week.
What street are they buying theirs on? that’s €19 a gram.
Damn imagine the taxes on this, if it was legal
Bring back soap bar