Pastors for Trump founder says Antichrist will be a “homosexual of Jewish descent” — Trump called it a “great honor” to be endorsed by the founder’s group.


  1. Honestly I just don’t understand how people live like this, with this weird obsession with other people’s sexuality.

    Meanwhile I’m just over here as a white male adult just thinking “to each their own, it’s a little strange to me personally but ultimately none of my fucking business”

  2. I thought they said it would be a Black Gay Pedophile of Jewish descent, no?

    They keep changing who to look out for… given that there are so many that fit that bill. /s

  3. BillyBainesInc on

    I was always told it it was Pope John the XV in 991….it almost like they are just picking new people as time passes for convenience…interesting

  4. Kamala Harris needs to campaign harder. We cannot let Donald Trump back in the White House. He will do all the things Hitler did and worse. Part of his project 2025 plan is to put minorities in concentration camps. ICE needs to be abolished and the border wall needs to be torn down. It is a stain on Biden’s legacy that he is building Trump’s wall.

  5. This is so fucked.

    The antichrist is trump. I’m not religious but it’s him whatever faith you believe in.

  6. Will this gay jew have space lasers? If so, as a member of the Fraternity of International Homosexuals, I demand that the space lasers are pink and have glitter dispensers.

  7. Ah, so they realized their “New Jesus” fits the anti-Christ to a T and are trying to deflect to the “usual suspects”. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”.

  8. Thessalonians 2:3-4 speaks of a “man of lawlessness” (often equated with the Antichrist) who will appear before the return of Christ. He is described as one who will deceive people and exalt himself over God, even claiming to be God.

    Antichrist is portrayed as a figure who will gain significant political and social influence, as seen in Revelation 13:7, where it states that he will have authority over “every tribe, people, language, and nation.

    Revelation 13 describes a “beast” (often associated with the Antichrist) that will rise to power and demand worship from the world, persecuting those who refuse to worship him. This figure is depicted as an agent of Satan, given authority to blaspheme God and make war against the saints (believers).

    Sounds like Trump to me.

  9. >Antichrist will be a “homosexual of Jewish descent”

    Or maybe a felon who has been accused of raping 13-year old girl and admitted to peeping on teen beauty pageant contestants while they were changing. Has been found liable for rape. Has sexualized his infant daughter. Has said he would date his other daughter. Has told a ten-year old girl that he’d be dating her soon…

  10. Isn’t one of the core aspects of the anti-christ is that he would have Christian “believers” deceived and eating out of the palm of his hand? Hmm sure sounds like someone fits the bill…

  11. Looks like someone didn’t read their bible, cause if they did, they’d know the anti-christ, the great deceiver, would be someone the masses would gladly follow as said anti christ begins to manipulate the masses and turn them away from the bible. I mean hell, out of every politician and political figure, who has had the greatest affect at turning Christians away from the teachings of their God and Jesus? I’ll give ya a hint, it’s the guy who has broken every commandment and spits in the face of every teaching by Jesus (Trump).

  12. Abominablesadsloth on

    Once again , we need to hold false prophets accountable by stoning the fuck out of them.