Someone should have told him there were legal routes to changing your last name.

Posted by Liquid_disc_of_shit


  1. 22 counts including multiple felonies and he got off with probation only? I don’t blame his coddling on any political privileges associated with Mom because our justice system is a proven wrist-slapper, but god damn.

    He’ll no doubt break the law again. *Them* genes ain’t great.

    Edit for hilarity:

    *“Police identified Boebert in security footage obtained from a Love’s truck stop in Parachute, in which he was wearing a ‘Grit and Glory’ hoodie. An accomplice wore a sweatshirt with the logo of Shooters Grill, a restaurant previously owned by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert.”*

  2. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

    Granny Bobo is busy campaigning for The felon Rapist right now. Sorry son. You’re not important.

  3. Soithascometothistoo on

    He looks like the kind of guy I would find under my car stealing my catalytic convertor.

  4. If he commits a few more bigger crimes he can eventually qualify to be the republican nominee for president.

  5. Heck, my mom is a Congresswoman and as such, I can do anything I want. It’s not like I jerked someone off in a theater.